Converging views from Africa and France Cycle from the French Partnership for Cities and Territories (PFVT)
The PFVT, the platform for exchange and promotion of French experts in the field of urban development at the international level, organizes a cycle of webinars. Climate Chance participates on the #climate topic .
Converging views from Africa and France Cycle from the PFTV
Climate Chance participates on the #climate topic
- When ? 28 January 2021 – 10am /12pm
- Who ? What ?
10:00 Greetings and Introduction
Hubert Julien-Laferrière, President of the PFVT
10:05. Presentation of the Webinar series, organised in partnership with DAECT
Brigitte Bariol-Mathais (FNAU – PFVT) Hélène Hampartzoumian (DAECT)
10:15. Introduction of the webinar on the topic of « climate » : Marianne Malez (FNAU-PFVT) and Romain Crouzet (Climate Chance)
10:20. Initial introduction, Luc Gnacadja
10:35. Case studies : Feedback on the recommendations of the PFVT on adaptation to climate change, Camille Waintrop-Boyon (France Ville Durable)
10:40, Climate Chance Observatory, feedback on experience in New Aquitaine with the Amaury Parelle (Climate Chance)
10:50, Dakar Climate Plan Ndeye Rokhaya Sarr Diène (City of Dakar, member of the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa)
11:00, Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa, Mohamed Nbou (UCLG-A)
11:10, Discussions with participants and recommendations.
12:00, End of webinar

Hubert Julien-Laferrière, Président du PFVT

Brigitte Bariol-Mathais, FNAU – PFVT

Hélène Hampartzoumian, DAECT

Marianne Malez, FNAU-PFVT

Romain Crouzet, Climate Chance

Luc Gnacadja, member of Climate Chance Association, Former Minister for Environment and Urban Development in Benin, former Executive Secretary of the UNCCD

Camille Waintrop-Boyon, France Ville Durable

Amaury Parelle, Climate Chance

Ndeye Rokhaya Sarr Diène, Ville de Dakar

Mohamed Nbou, UCLG Africa

An event organized by the PFVT