jeudi 11 novembre 2021
Side-Event Climate Chance at the COP26
Glasgow, Scotland
Climate Chance will be holding a Side-Event at the COP26 in Glasgow on Thursday 11th November 2021 on the IDFC Pavilion (Bllue Zone) Find out more below.
Organized by
#4 What are the levers to boost financing of the energy transition and resilience in Africa?
Watch the full recording of the side-event here:
📍IDFC Pavilion, 11:30AM (UTC Glasgow Time)
Climate Chance will be holding a side-event at the IDFC (International Development Finance Club) Pavilion, gathering Public Development Banks from Africa with African organisations working at local level.
The objective is to identify levers to boost financing of the energy transition and resilience in Africa.

Moderated by:
- Bernard Soulage, Secretary general of the Climate Chance Association

- Ladislas Ngendahimana, Secretary General of Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA)

- François Xavier Duporge, Deputy head of the climate change division at AFD (French Development Agency)

- Zenabou Segda, WEP Burkina, GCF Africa Gender Monitors

- Liane Schalatek, Associate Director, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC

- Davinah Milenge Uwella, Principal Programme Coordinator, Department of Climate Change and Green Growth Department, African Development Bank