Side-event on the French Pavilion at COP27
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Climate Chance with organised a Side-event with CliMates on the French Pavilion, the event will be on: "Taking action to adapt to climate change: lessons learned and dialogue around non-state actors".
Side event “Taking action to adapt to climate change: lessons learned and dialogue around non-state actors”
Following a presentation of the key takeaways from the Climate Chance Observatory’s Global Synthesis on Climate Action 2022, especially on the adaptation of different sectors (energy, land use, transport, buildings, etc.), CliMates led a debate on the problems and solutions for climate change adaptation by giving the floor to representatives of the Global South.
⏰Thursday 10th November 2022 from 12:30 to 13:30 (UTC +2 Egypt)
đź“ŤFrance Pavilion
Watch the replay
« What we are trying to bring through the Global Synthesis Report of climate action by sector 2022 is action in the past and present to observe what has worked. We also want to inspire action by disseminating the good practices of non-state actors. The ultimate goal is to track the progress of action and understand the strategies of different actors in their diversity and complementarity. »
Antoine Gillod, Director of the Observatory of Climate Chance
« We often think of adaptation as a story about infrastructure and technology, but it’s also about social organization. »
Anne Marie Abbagu, Exectuive Director of the Women Environmental Program (WEP) Nigeria
« Climate Chance has a great network with many non-state actors who are not necessarily used to working together. This dialogue is essential but not enough and Climate Chance also brings data to the table, enhances the actors’ voices, starts from what is to try to transform it, and makes sure to bear witness to the progress made. You are welcome to join this mobilization. »
Gilles Vermot Desroches, Director of Sustainable Development, Fondation Schneider
Programme and speakers
Part 1 – Presentation of the key takeways of the Global Synthesis Report by Sector:

- Antoine Gillod, Director of the Observatory, Climate Chance
Part 2 – Round Table on Global South’s Initiatives on Adaptation:
- Mymozette Dibanga Njiwa, Vice President, CliMates Mali

- Anne Marie Abaagu, Executive Director, Women Environmental Program (WEP) – Nigeria

- Corentin Gentil, Jeune délégué pour le climat, Ministères Écologie Énergie Territoires

- Gilles Vermot Desroches, Director of Sustainable Development, Fondation Schneider