Registrations for the 2019 Climate Chance Africa Summit are open!
The Climate Chance Association alongside the National Association for local authorities of Ghana (NALAG) held a press conference during the 50th session of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in order to present the Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019.
Climate Chance Summit – Africa,
what is it?
The first Climate Chance Africa Summit in 2018 brought together non-state African actors around operational road-maps to indicate needs and propositions dedicated to those fighting against climate change in Africa. The second edition of the Climate Chance Summit – Africa 2019 will ensure the continuity of the first Summit by gathering 2,000 participants from sub-national governments and non-state climate actors in Africa, in order to strengthen the African thematic coalitions organised and supported by Climate Chance.
Planned to be held in the International Conference centre of Accra, the Summit’s targets are the following:
- To organise high-level plenaries with key personalities from African climate movements on themes such as: cooperation between states and non-state actors for climate action, digital technology for climate action and access to funding for non-state actors.
- To organise workshops with multiple African coalitions to work on going forward and developing new African thematic and sector-based road-maps on mobility, energy, agriculture, education and urban planning etc.
- To organise the « Initiatives day » during which partners will present their significant initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoMSSA), a day dedicated to business and other events organised by AfdB, ICLEI Africa, UCLG Africa, IFDD, MTPA, Expertise France and GCCA +, etc.
Who will be there?
The following is a list of participants that will attend the Climate Chance Summit – Africa 2019 from the 16th to 18th October in Accra, Ghana :
- Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana.
- Honourable Hajia Alima Mahama, Minister of Local Governments and Rural Development in Ghana.
- Kyekyeku Yaw Oppong-Boadi, UNFCCC National Focal Point in Ghana.
- The Senator Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance Association, Spokesperson for Climate for UCLG
- Mayor Felix Mensah Nii Anang-La, Mayor of Tema, President of NALAG, Ghana.
- Mohammed Adjei Sowah, Mayor of Accra, Ghana.
- Soham El Wardini, Mayor of Dakar, Senegal.
- Manuel de Araújo, Mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique.
- Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of Chefchaouen, Morocco.
- Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi,UCLF Africa General Secretary.
- Kobie Brand, Head of ICLEI Africa.
- Ambassador Stéphanie Rivoal, Secretary General of 2020 Africa-France Summit.
- Luc Gnacadja, member of Climate Chance Association, ex-Minister of environment, housing and urban planning of Benin, ex-executive secretary of the United Nations Convention on the fight against desertification.
- Agnes Mirembe, ARUWE Ouganda.
- Faustina Araba Boakye, Alliance of civil society organisations for access to clean energy (ACCESS) – WGC.
- Anthony Nyong, Directetor of climate change and green growth, African Bank of Development.
- Angela Yayra Kwashie, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).
Summit registrations are now open!
The online registration platform is open! Registration is free.
PLEASE NOTE that Climate Chance does not fund any participation in the Summit. All costs must be covered by the participants.
A 3-day-event
The Summit programme is now available online including descriptions of all the sessions that will take place during the three days in Accra. It will be regularly updated so be sure to check it out multiple times to be well up to date with the Summit.
Click here for the event programme
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