Global Synthesis Report on climate finance

Since 2018, Climate Chance, in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow, has been publishing an annual Global Synthesis Report on climate finance, monitoring the financial flows granted to the climate sector by banks, insurers and investors, as well as the evolution and offer of green financial products.

This first Report 2018 draws on more than 100 benchmark studies to analyse the strategies of the main financial players (investors and asset managers, banks, development banks and insurance companies), market practices (green bonds, green loans, green investment funds…) and the dynamics of financial regulators and supervisors.

Une 2e édition constituant une brève actualisation, d’une dizaine de pages, du Bilan 2018. Elle revient sur les tendances et événements marquants en terme de finance durable pour l’année 2019 : l’émergence de politiques d’alignement sur les objectifs de l’accord de Paris, la diversification et la croissance de produits et d’outils de financement verts ou encore la 1ère campagne de refinancement du Fonds vert pour le Climat.

Created in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow, this new report provides a detailed overview and follow-up of climate action carried out by banks, insurers, and investors. It also presents the trends in the market regarding the evolution and offer of green financial products.

Given the need for consistent action by the financial sector in relation to climate and environmental issues, the Global Synthesis Report on Climate Finance 2022 provides a global overview and an essential analysis of all financial flows that enable the implementation of actions that have a positive impact on mitigation (reducing GHG emissions) or adaptation to climate change.