[2022] Agriculture, Food and Reforestation
09/06/2022: Join us for the eMag on Agriculture, Food and Reforestation in collaboration with Afrik 21. Feedback on COP 15 Desertification and highlight on non-state actors initiatives to protect the forests and develop resilient agricultural and food systems.

The African continent is facing major challenges concerning the resilience of food production, reforestation and the conservation of biodiversity. Moreover, agriculture has a major place in Africa where the sector occupies 60% of the populations.
This eMag will deal with the contributions of the COP 15 Desertification and the initiatives of non-state actors to protect biodiversity and forests and improve the agricultural and food autonomy of populations in Africa. Thus, it will addresses the issues of forests, agriculture, food and biodiversity through ecological connectivity.
Special news segment on “climate action in Africa” featuring:
Watch the eMag #7:

Jean Marie Takouleu, Redactor in chief, Afrik 21
- Press review: Jean Marie Takouleu summarizes the news of the agriculture, food and reforestation sector in Africa and assesses the contributions of the COP 15 Desertification in Abidjan.
Segment on “Biodiversity, forests and agriculture”

Anne Raimat, Director of Biodiversity, Climate Chance
- News: Anne Raimat reacts to COP15 Desertification advocating for taking into account urbanized areas and makes the link between the theme of the day and the stakes of ecological connectivity through Climate Chance’s projet of biodiversity corridors in West Africa.

Guillaume Babin, Director, UNIVERS-SEL
- Best practice: Guillaume Babin introduces an extract of the film De Guérand à Bissau, paroles de producteurs (From Guérand to Bissau, producers’ words) realized by UNIVERS-SEL for the project Développement Durable de l’Agriculture de Mangrove (DEDURAM).
Segment on “Agriculture and food: Examples of action in Senegal”

Ndeye Ndack Pouye Mbodj, Director of Planning et Sustainable Development of the city of Dakar, Member of the CoMSSA
- Decentralised cooperation: Ms Mbodj presents the actions on urban agriculture carried out by Dakar in the as part of its decentralized cooperation agreement with the city of Milan supported by the FAO.

Fatou Ndoye, Program Officer, Enda Sahel
- Best practice: Fatou Ndoye presents the FEDIAAC project (Femmes Engagées Pour le Développement Inclusif et l’Autonomie Alimentaire de leurs Communes) implemented by Enda Sahel and WECF in Dakar, Senegal.