COP28 • Global Report on Climate Action 2023
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Climate Chance presents the key takeaways from the Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action 2023 at COP28. On the occasion of the Global Stocktake, this report examines the progress made by businesses, local governments and civil society in driving climate action since the Paris Agreement in 2015.

• Ronan Dantec speaks at an OECD-Japan side-event on “Promoting Climate Action and Resilience through: A Territorial Approach”
This event launches the OECD report “A Territorial Approach to Climate Action and Resilience” that synthesises three years of work under the OECD TACAR Programme. The panel will convene ministers and mayors to discuss most urgent actions to be carried out to accelerate the net-zero and resilient transition.
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⏰ Wednesday 6 December 2023, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm (local time, Dubaï) / 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm (CEST)
📍 Japan Pavilion

Ronan Dantec, Senator of Pays de la Loire and President of Climate Chance will shares the key findings from Climate Chance Observatory Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action 2023 :
« We have results – there are a lot of cities that are mobilising, with increasing mobilisation, especially in Latin America, in Africa and in Europe. […] But after all this time, we do not have a real example of comprehensive multi-level governance in climate planning. »
« We need a narrative where social equity is at the heart of our policies »
• Official UNFCCC Side Event “Boosting non-State climate action credibility to step-up accountability”
How to support the UNFCCC Secretariat efforts to implement a Non-State actor Accountability framework using tangible data and national perspectives? Transparency, transition plan credibility and impact monitoring will be raised and tools proposed to feed the GST from a Non-State approach.
⏰ Saturday 9 December 2023, 4:45 pm – 6:00 pm (local time, Dubaï) / 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm (CEST)
📍SE Room 4
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- Antoine Gillod, Director of the Global Observatory of Climate Action, Climate Chance

- Anne Barre,Gender and Climate Policy Coordinator for the WECF network (Women Engage for a Common Future)

- Joachim Roth, Climate Policy Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance

- Erin Ryan, Senior International Climate Campaigner, Climate Action Network Australia
• Press Conference
“Takeaways from the 2023 Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action”
Climate Chance is holding a press conference to discuss the key takeaways from the new Global Synthesis Report on Climate Action 2023 published by the Climate Chance Observatory.
This report provides a unique overview of the progress made in climate action by non-state actors. It tells the story behind the figures for trends in greenhouse gas emissions and activity in the main emissions sectors (energy, transport, buildings, industry, waste, land use), by analyzing the main levers for action and signals of transition.
This sixth edition, on the occasion of the 1st Global Stocktake of collective progress under the Paris Agreement, examines the strategies of businesses, local governments and civil society to drive climate action since 2015.
⏰ Monday December 11, 2023, 09:00 am – 09:30 am (local time, Dubaï) / 06:00 am – 06:30 am (CEST)
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- Ronan Dantec, President of Climate Chance
- Antoine Gillod, Director of the Global Observatory of Climate Action, Climate Chance

• Intervention in the side-event “Which financing mechanisms for the development of a sustainable economy?” on the Pavillon Francophonie
Antoine Gillod, Director of the Climate Chance Observatory, takes part in the side-event organized by the Sustainable Finance Observatory on the subject of North/South financing mechanisms at COP28.
This event aims to enlighten participants on the different financing mechanisms, the importance of mobilizing private finance, the differences between private finance and public subsidies, and the new « Loss and Damage » fund.
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⏰ Tuesday 12th December, 2023, 11:00 (local time, Dubai) / 8:00 (CEST)
📍 Francophonie Pavilion