Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019

African Sustainable Urban Planners Alliance Meeting

Climate Chance, in coordination with the Eco City Zenata project in Morocco,  has created the Alliance of Sustainable Urban Planners. This alliance will gather 6 to 8 African Urban Planners who are sensitive to climate change issues and are ready to commit to a sustainable urban development. This African Alliance for Sustainable Urban Development is primarily working on the implementation of a common strategy and recommendations  to enhance and value the role of urban planners in mitigation and adaptation of African cities to climate change. This alliance will be able to advocate for concrete actions with national governments, it will also endorse the role of “good practices catalysts” and will share them at the continental level with the idea of achieving a common repository. The idea is to create opportunities for companies to coordinate and work with various actors (Local Governments, Scientists, etc..) in urban planning sector.