Decentralised cooperation for sustainable urban development
Following the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the international community has constantly reaffirmed the importance of local government in the fight against climate change and the biodiversity crisis. This level of governance holds key levers for achieving the global objectives set by the Paris Agreement.
In this context, decentralised cooperation offers opportunities for capacity building, multi-stakeholder mobilisation, citizen participation, exchanges and the financing of sustainable local development projects.
How can local players be mobilised to work towards sustainable urban development through decentralised cooperation? How can the impact of these public policies be assessed?
Using examples, this round table aims to highlight the tools available to local governments to strengthen their sustainable local development policies.
Organized by:

- Céline Papin, Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux in charge of international relation

- Alassane Guissé, Deputy Mayor in charge of decentralized cooperation, City of Nantes

- Pr. Emile Temgoua, Deputy Mayor of Dschang

- Baudelaire Kemajou, President of Mairie Conseils, Director of the Centre Technique Forêt communale of Cameroon

- Valène Bault, Project Officer, AFD

- Anaëlle Roucou, Governance Cooperation Attaché, Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle (SCAC), French Embassy

This session will be moderated by:
- Constance Koukoui-Adjolohoun: Head of the Geographic and Thematic Coordination Department – Climate Coordinator – Gender Coordinator at Cités Unies France