In the 1990s, efforts towards climate adaptation began at the national level, but adaptation policies were often overshadowed by mitigation actions. However, it is now urgent to implement both strategies together to make our territories resilient. The economic, social, and environmental costs of inaction or inadequate adaptation far exceed the costs of adaptation.
To succeed in adaptation, the government, public authorities, and economic stakeholders must take the necessary steps and involve the communities in their discussions. Regions in the South, as well as island and coastal areas, are on the front lines of climate change and are both actors and pioneers in building resilience.
The objective of this workshop is to provide a space for dialogue, sharing experiences, and making recommendations regarding the challenges of adaptation and its implementation in urban planning tools. This workshop serves as a critical milestone leading up to the 12th World Urban Forum.
Program and speakers:

- Luc Gnacadja, President of Governance & Policies for Sustainable Development (GPS-Dev), former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and former Minister for the Environment, Housing and Town Planning in Benin.

- Céline Papin, Vice-President of Bordeaux Métropole, Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux in charge of territorial, European and international cooperation
Urban data management: knowledge and anticipation for resilient territories

- Ronan Dantec, Senator for Pays de la Loire, President of Climate Chance

- Observatory of the Urban Agency of Reunion Island (agorah)
- Eric-Pascal Zahiri, IRD
Building local strategies for affordable and sustainable housing

- Vincent Kitio, UN Habitat

- Michelangelo Zasy, Vice President of the Malagasy Order of Architects. Co-President of the Madagascarl/Morocco Business Council within the GEM (Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar), Former Vice Minister in charge of New Towns and Housing of the Republic of Madagascar (video)

- Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, architect, founder of the Hubicité project

This session is moderated by:
- Carla Doncescu, Project Manager – Europe, International and Transitions, FNAU