Water: How to preserve water on a European scale?
Water: How to preserve water on a European scale?
Water is subject to strong anthropogenic pressures, endangering ecosystems and human health. Non-state actors (NGOs, local and regional authorities, businesses, etc.) have a crucial role to play in sustainable water management to enable development. The EU Commission’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (2021) emphasises the importance of sustainable access to freshwater to foster resilience to climate change and cites nature-based solutions as an adequate resolution to water challenges.
This workshop on the challenge of water preservation in Europe will propose a dialogue on concrete and operational actions to solve water-related problems and ensure the resilience of territories to climate change in Europe. The proposals resulting from this workshop will be addressed to European leaders, and thereafter, presented at the World Water Forum in Dakar in March 2022.
Thematic draft proposals for the mplementation of the European Green Deal
You can send your comments and recommendations to: contribution@climate-chance.
Lead Organisation
Chair of the Workshop:

- Jean-Luc Redaud, Chair of the FWP Water and Climate Working Group

- Morgan Priol, Director of the Maine-Loire-Ocean delegation at the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency

- Sarah Dayan, CSR and Climate Manager, Comité 21

- Myriam Merad, President of the Scientific Council of the “Association Française de Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles et Technologiques” – AFPCNT and Director of Research CNRS, University of Paris-Dauphine (UMR “Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Modélisation et des Processus de DEcision” – LAMSADE)

- Thierry Burlot, President of the Loire-Bretagne basin committee