The Mobility Coalition continues its on-the-ground work in Côte d’Ivoire
Despite the context of the pandemic, the Mobility coalition continues its progress in Côte d'Ivoire and shows increasingly concrete results !
Work that was started in 2019 …
Since 2019, Climate Chance has been developing a roadmap for sustainable mobility in Côte d’Ivoire based on the core group of actors mobilised during the Climate Chance Africa 2018 Summit in Abidjan. The Ivorian Roadmap was developed using a bottom-up, participatory approach that brought together various stakeholders in the transport sector for a resilient long-term transport strategy.
Thanks to the support of the Michelin Foundation, Climate Chance recruited a local expert, Aristide Gahié, to support an exercise in structuring a sustainable mobility strategy in Côte d’Ivoire. A series of workshops in 2019, bringing together in Abidjan nearly 60 Ivorian actors from the mobility and transport sector, has made it possible to define the different axes of a shared strategy that will support the national mobility policies of Côte d’Ivoire, taking into account the practices, analyses and recommendations of Ivorian non-state actors.
During the lockdown, the African Mobility coalition continued its activities as much as possible and remotely, with the modelling of the strategy defined in the roadmap for sustainable mobility in Côte d’Ivoire. Indeed, thanks to a partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), a modelling exercise of this roadmap was carried out, in order to specify certain points of the low-carbon strategy in transport and to propose quantified projections in terms of avoided GHG emissions if this roadmap were to be applied in Côte d’Ivoire.

Carrying out workshops at Bouaké, Odienné and Cocody, in September 2020
In September, the Mobility Coalition is organising consultation workshops in person, in three pilot cities in Côte d’Ivoire: Bouaké, Odienné and Cocody, in order to test the mobility strategy defined and modelled over the last few months. The aim of these workshops is to bring together all the local mobility stakeholders in these three cities, which are representative of the Ivorian challenges in this sector, and to ensure that they take ownership of the national roadmap so that it becomes a genuine local roadmap. The proposals of the three local authorities as well as of the participants will be integrated into the Ivorian roadmap afterwards.

On 11 September 2020, Climate Chance, together with its partners the Observatory of African Mobilities (OMA), the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC), the Assembly of Regions and Districts of Côte d’Ivoire (ARDCI) and Cocody Town Hall, organised a first workshop.
This workshop led by Aristide Gahié, Director of Planning Studies and Projects at the Urban Mobility Authority of Greater Abidjan (AMUGA), brought together various actors from the Cocody municipality (associations and representations of transporters, religious and traditional authorities, citizens, companies…) to share with them the different stages of the process and identify with them the problems specific to this territory. Several themes were addressed during this discussion on the measures to be implemented in the near future to improve transport and mobility in Cocody.
On 19 September in Bouaké and 25 September in Odienné, two similar workshops are being held to move forward together on local transport and mobility issues in Côte d’Ivoire.
For more information, find our initiative in the media:
In the JT Business 24 Africa:
An article in VivAfrik: L’association Climate Chance organise un atelier virtuel sur la mobilité durable en Afrique (in french only)

With the financial support of the Michelin Foundation.