CASELEC – Rural Community and Energy Access in Casamance
Since 1990, the Foundation Énergies pour le Monde (Fondem) and its partners help out to give access to electricity in rural areas mainly in Sub-saharan Africa.

Overview of the project
In Casamance, a region weakened by recurring tensions, only 42% of the inhabitants have access to energy. After years of territorial conflicts, the population has returned to Lower Casamance and must rebuild the rural economy. The municipality of Katabatherefore informed Fondem of the needs of the population and CASELEC was born.
Responding to the demand of the populations of the rural commune of Kataba, in partnership with them and the public authorities, Energies pour le Monde is conducting the CASELEC project in order to revitalize the territory by using renewable energy. Its objectives are:
- Installing individual solar systems in a process of local appropriation
- Setting up an exploitation scheme based on the involvement of the local private sector
- Supporting the development of productive uses of electricity to ensure sustainability and strengthen local dynamism
- Establishing a management system of end-of-life equipment
The CASELEC project aims to promote the human and social development of 8 isolated villages in Senegal while fighting against global warming thanks to solar energy.
11/2020 - still in progress (the end is planned for 2023)
At the end of the project:
- 300 solar home systems are installed in 8 villages
- 1 500 people get a reliable access to solar electricity
- 8 community structures benefit from electric services (lighting, communication, equipment)
- 15 income-generating activities (50% are carried out by women) are created or developed
- The emission of 500 tons of CO2 is avoided
At the end of the project:
- Access to health care and educational conditions are greatly improved thanks to electricity access
- The territory is energized by the creation or development of economic activities related to electricity, and local jobs
- Stakeholders’ capacities are strengthened (private sector, civil society partners, institutions)
- Local governance, job creation and environmental protection are guaranteed through the implementation of an end-of-life management system
Since 1990, the Foundation Énergies pour le Monde (Fondem) and its partners help out to give access to electricity in rural areas mainly in Sub-saharan Africa. Fondem drives and assures the correct monitoring of sustainable and safe projects, in tight collaboration with its local partners. Fondem marks itself in a responsible process by putting forwards renewable energies. These are environmentally friendly and used in an unbiased way through all their forms (photovoltaic and thermic solar panel, windmills, hydraulic and biomass energies).
Fondem’s goal is to favor the development of deprived populations by giving them a durable and reliable access to some kind of energy, supporting entrepreneurship (thanks to the economic opportunities that energy access allows) and gender equality.
in collaboration