Climate Chance attends Africa Climate Week
Climate Chance is in Accra from 18 to 22 March in order to attend the second Africa Climate Week.

Regional Climate Weeks inspire individuals and organizations to become part of the momentum created by the global climate agreement in Paris. It is a unique collaborative platform where both government and non-Party stakeholders gather to address the gamut of relevant climate issues under one umbrella. Bringing together diverse stakeholders in the public and private sectors around a common goal of addressing climate change, is the main goal of the Regional Climate Weeks.
Every year the Regional Climate Weeks are held in the following regions: Africa, Latin-America and Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific.
It is a unique initiative that aims to raise awareness and support members of our society in developing countries at the regional level to achieve global climate neutrality by mid-century.
This year, the Regional Climate Weeks serve as critical stepping stones to UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ UN Climate Summit 2019 in September.
Regarding the priority of Climate Chance to support the mobilisation of Non-State Climate Actors in Africa, the Association participates actively in the Africa Climate Week, taking place in Accra from 18 to 22 March 2019.
Climate Chance’s programme at the Africa Climate week
21 March, 3:00pm : Official Launch announcement of the 2nd Climate Chance Summit – Africa 2019 (16 to 18 october 2019)
21 March, 3:00 – 3:30 pm, PitchHub
The session will be the presentation of Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019 with some Climate Chance partners. It will be the opportunity to highlight the importance of the mobilization of non-party stakeholders on climate action in Africa. We propose to mobilize different non-parties stakeholders (LGMA, BINGO, ENGO, IPO, YOUNGO, etc.) from Africa and especially Ghana, to discuss the strategic issues that need to be tackled in Africa and to explain how Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019 will be an opportunity for strengthening climate action on the continent by gathering different kinds of non-state actors.
At the end of the Pitch, Climate Chance will launch the call for contributions for the summit.
- Luc Gnacadja
- Mohamed Nbou (UCLG-A): How can decentralization processes promote climate policies and climate action in Africa?
- Faustina Araba Boak (Women and Gender Constituency): How to mobilize local governments and non-state actors in all their diversity, including an increased mobilization of finance dedicated to climate action?
- Patrick Oliva (PPMC): A roadmap for sustainable mobility and transport in Africa in the context of Urban planning and sustainable cities
- Hon. Felix Mensah Nii Anang-La, President of the National Association of Local Governement of Ghana ( NALAG) – TBC
21 March, 3:30 pm : Climate Chance participates in the session Finance 3 : “Financing Cities and Local Action for NDC Implementation”
Thursday 21 March, 3:30- 6:00 pm, Main Hall
The African Development Bank (AFDB) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) co-organize a session about Cities and Local Action for NDC implementation.
Climate Chance participates in this session as support organization with ICLEI Africa, CDP, ICC, SLoCaT and Youngo.
This session will discuss various financing options such as blended financing and instruments as well as sources of concessional finance, to support the development of concrete urban investment projects aimed at promoting local carbon and climate resilient pathways.
Two members of Climate Chance (Luc Gnacadja and Patrick Oliva) will be panelists in this session to contribute to the debate with their expertise and proposals.