15e édition des « Rencontres de l’action internationale des collectivités territoriales »
Every year, this event brings French and foreign local authorities together to analyse the challenges facing the international action of local authorities, to envisage new prospects for exchanges and to create links and opportunities for cooperation.

General theme: “Territorial diplomacy: the singularities of decentralised cooperation”
In recent years, we have been faced with unprecedented challenges of various kinds. These challenges have turned our lives and our societies upside down, highlighting the porous nature of the issues at stake between the local level and the global level. In a world of accelerating globalisation, local and regional authorities embody a level of proximity to citizens and action to respond to the specific challenges of their region. This has led to a particular focus on the importance of cooperation between regions as a crucible for solutions.
Even more recently, geopolitical crises have put issues of peace and dialogue back at the heart of decentralised cooperation, reviving the history of local elected representatives’ international commitment. This international action by local and regional authorities – AICT – as a vehicle for local and regional diplomacy, makes it possible to establishes direct links between local players from all over the world, encouraging the emergence of a unique political voice that complements that of governments.
For the past 15 years, the AICT Meetings have been a regular feature of our agenda, bringing together committed players and partners to show the extent to which this voluntary, yet essential, policy of local authorities is changing in response to developments at state, sub-regional and global levels.
This year, we will be exploring the many facets of decentralised cooperation, highlighting the unique role played by local and regional authorities in the global process of internationalisation. We will also have the opportunity to highlight the successes and inspiring initiatives that bear witness to its strength and relevance, as well as its prospects and challenges for the future.
Visit the RAICT’s website to register.
Registrations are open until October 17.