Adaptation and water: priorities for non-state African actors
By addressing access to financing for climate projects, capacity building for local actors to adapt and project governance, the speakers of this workshop will highlight the main priorities of African local actors to face the numerous challenges of adaptation to climate change on the African continent, as well as for the sustainable management of water resources which is already a fundamental issue for Africa.

This session will be moderated by:
- Dr. Abdel Kader Dodo, Coordinator of the Water Department, Dr. Hydrogeologist, Water Resources Management

- Mr Niokhor Ndour, Director of Water Resources Management and Planning (DGPRE), Ministry of Water and Sanitation

- Elena Sentieri, Urban Resilience and Development Specialist, UN-Habitat

- Ibrahima Guirassy, Retention Basin Project Manager, City of Dakar

- Magatte Diouf, Programme Officer, UrbaSen / GRET Senegal partner

- Ornella Tchanque, Research Assistant and Project Coordinator at UNESCO’s multisectoral regional office for West Africa and the Sahel in Dakar