Permaculture Training Center in Burkina-Faso
Inspiring project promoting permaculture in Burkina Faso. The aim of this project is not only to support young permaculture farmers as they are setting up but also to participate in creating a place of healthy living in the area where the project is located.

Overview of the project

Permaculture is the development of crops, living places and agricultural and human systems that use ecological principles and traditional knowledge to recreate the diversity, the stability and the resilience of natural ecosystems.
The Permaculture Itinérante project aims to use permaculture as a means to form a solution concerning the re-organisation of degraded land, preservation of wildlife, diversity of natural ecosystems, educational courses, stability and resilience, the creation of a local and family economy and food abundance.
This initiative helps support young permaculture farmers with their farming and combat the rural exodus towards larger cities. Thanks to this, the project creates a healthy and balanced lifestyle in the area where the project is based.
Creating a micro-climate, reforestation, food autonomy and educational courses.
Pilote operation, experimentation
Participation in the project of all beneficiaries.
Creating jobs, fighting rural exodus, food security.
Call for projects PRA-OSIM 2017/2018, communities, individuals.
“Permaculture itinérante” promotes permaculture in Burkina-Faso as well as in West Africa.
This project helps to:
- Enhance responsible tourism, agro-ecology, eco-villages and sustainable development
- Encourage international cooperation and cross-cultural learning
- Promote food self-sufficiency via agricultural and touristic practices
- Combat desertification and soil erosion in developing countries
- Organise educational courses, exchanges and participative sites in the artistic, artisanal, agricultural and educational sector between countries from the North and the South
- Support and develop the network of training centers specialised in permaculture in West African countries with a link to the “Université Populaire de Permaculture”
- Enhance youth participation and volunteering within the global solidarity project
- Elaborate educational material for managing international projects especially for the implementation of permaculture training centers
- Create a database and educational material that regroup diverse sustainable development, permaculture and tropical climate agro-ecology techniques.
in collaboration