YAAM Solidarités (Solidarity)
YAAM Solidarity is an association that works in close collaboration with local populations and communities to respond to the problem of rehabilitating houses damaged by the heavy rains of 2009.

Overview of the project
In the production of affordable housing, the Burkinabe State, like other African states, is facing difficulties, despite the various policies in place and incentives for real estate developers.
Since 2016, the YAAM Solidarités (Solidarity) association works in close collaboration with local populations and communities and is supported by Abbé Pierre Foundation’s “Housing for All” and CRAterre in France.
Since 2018, it also receives support from urbaMonde and urbaSen. These initial interventions have made it possible to engage in a participatory approach with local populations (populations participate in needs definitions, project formulation and construction activities) around affordable sustainable housing in cities, offering very simple technical solutions that are accessible to the most disadvantaged segments of the population.
Through an innovative participatory approach, the project aims to reduce the precariousness of the population's housing by integrating the undeveloped district of Boassa into urban planning schemes.
Ongoing research
In the first phase of the project:
- Approximately fifteen housing units were built with participation from the beneficiaries.
- Ten consultation meetings were held with the inhabitants, landowners, and municipal and customary authorities.
In the second phase of the project:
- A roadway was rehabilitated in a participatory manner;
- 1500 buildings were mapped;
- A borehole was drilled in the neighborhood;
- Two show homes were built; and
- Five micro-rehabilitations were carried out through the habitat fund made available within the framework of the project.
- Strong citizen mobilization
- The customary and municipal authorities have joined the project.
- Landowners and residents gain awareness of the management of public spaces.
- Inhabitants are made aware of sustainable construction techniques.
- Inhabitants are made aware of techniques for improving their habitats.
- The masons of the neighborhood are trained in the basic techniques of earth construction.
- Various associations in the neighborhood are uniting around the residents’ federation and the neighborhood committee increasing the efficiency of actions for the improvement of the neighborhood and living conditions.
- Through community mapping, knowledge of the neighborhood and risks is enhanced.
This project was implemented thanks to the financial support of the Abbé Pierre Fondation and the contribution of the inhabitants.
The different activities of the association are the following:
- Rehabilitation/construction of ecological housing and development;
- Social engineering support (income generating activity and housing credit); and
- Support for local initiatives (community mapping, citizen mobilization, participatory housing project, etc.).
in collaboration