Sacralising the mangrove to preserve them in the Bouche du Roy
Improving mangrove protection through traditional rituals

Overview of the project
The Bouche du Roy biodiversity conservation community area, with its 9678 hectares has 30% mangroves. Due to the importance of this mangrove ecosystem and other underlying resources (bird fauna, endangered species, including manatees and marine turtles), the Mono Transborder biosphere reserve, a joint initiative of Togo and Benin, with the support of German cooperation and IUCN Netherlands, made this place a conservation area.
Currently, thanks to the promotion of endogenous conservation practices through sacralisation, more than 500 hectares planted by Eco Benin, as well as natural areas have been made sacred.
The Community biodiversity conservation area of Bouche du Roy, situated in the localities of Grand-Popo and Comè, involved more than 17 villages and thousands of local actors.
Improving the conservation of specific ecosystems like mangroves by their integration to the conservation process of the Unesco Man and Biosphere in Gran Popo and Comé localities
Ongoing research
- Bouche du Roy : 9,678 hectares with 392.22ha of central area and 557.21 ha of buffer zone
- More than 500 hectares that were made sacred
- 17 villages, 850 people included
- Existence of a local convention for the management of existing resources in the conservation area.
- A Territorial management plan for Bouche du Roy is conceived and approved. It is currently under implementation.
- Creation of a local association named “Doupoko” on 22 July 2016
- Two communal decrees by Grand-Popo and Comè mayors
- Mobilisation is under process for the completion of a carbon project on the Mangroves
- Adherence and full collaboration of two out of four localities concerned by the initiative. / existence of a focal point
- Voluntary participation of Comè and Grand-Popo forest agents, as well as the naval base
- Better recognition of the initiative by third parties
- Participation and progressive appropriation of the concept by inhabitants
- Progressive empowerment of the communities
Photos of the initiative
Vodoun rites : a means for the preservation of biodiversity
Ecobenin has been engaged for years in climate protection, resources conservation and community development. For a better scope of action, it is implanted in North, West and South Benin.
The two current flagship actions are:
- the promotion of improved wanrou foodstoves
- work in the transborder Mono biosphere
The NGO has also expertise in several other areas, namely mangrove plantation and restauration.
in collaboration
- Wallonie Bruxelles International
- CO2logic
- Gembloux Development Aid (Belgique) Adg
- Proximus
- Several mayors