Support project for the protection of the banks of the Niger River and its tributaries in the Prefecture of Faranah

The central mission of Africa Solidarity Employment Training Business Creation Guinea Conakry is to promote local self-development, according to the 17 SDGs, through education, training and communication of international actors and national CSOs around sustainable development projects.

An initiative of Africa Solidarity Employment Training Business Creation (Afrique Solidarité Emploi Formation Création Entreprises - International - ASEFCE INTERNATIONAL)

Overview of the project

The Niger River is one of the largest rivers in West Africa and has its source in the Forokoniya massif, in the Faranah Prefecture. This ecological heritage in the urban commune of Faranah is in a very advanced state of degradation due to anthropic activities in general, but more particularly to the proliferation of the manufacture of clay fired bricks on the banks of the river causing the drying up of the river and its tributaries, silting up, narrowing of the bed, disappearance of the fauna and flora, and open excavation.

In response, Afrique Solidarité Emploi Formation Création Entreprises – International (ASEFCE INTERNATIONAL) launched this initiative:

  • Organise 14 awareness-raising sessions for brick manufacturers, carbonisers, and timber harvesters on the consequences of their activities on the banks of the River Niger
  • Reforest 650 hectares of degraded areas (banks, headwaters, hillsides)
  • Identify and develop 4 dumping sites
  • Train 10 groups of fired brick manufacturers in stabilised mud brick making techniques (BTS)
  • Popularise the techniques for making improved stoves (clay and metal)
  • Organise 8 round table programmes and 8 interactive programmes on rural radio on climate change

To contribute to the reduction of the negative effects of anthropic activities on the Niger River and its tributaries in the Faranah prefecture.

Level of progress


Project timeline

04/01/2021 - 10/01/2022

Quantitative results
  • Recruitment of management team members (October 2020)
  • Identification of sites (October 2020)
  • Development of the 4 landfills (November-December 2020/January 2021)
  • Organisation of fourteen (14) workshops on the consequences of carbonisation, brick ovens, climate change and the technique of making improved stoves (December 2020 – March 2021)
  • Preparation of nurseries (March – April 2021)
Qualitative results
  • Mobilisation of local institutional actors
  • Awareness raising and participation of the population (young people in particular)
  • Investment by brick manufacturers
  • Awareness of all the actors to the need to modify their environmental management habits of the banks of the Niger through reforestation

The project is financed by our own funds (insufficient) for the start-up and implementation, from October 2020 to April 2021

About the

Africa Solidarity Employment Training Business Creation (Afrique Solidarité Emploi Formation Création Entreprises - International - ASEFCE INTERNATIONAL)

Faya Moussa TOLNO

Africa Solidarity Employment Training Business Creation – International (Afrique Solidarité Emploi Formation Création Entreprises – International – ASEFCE INTERNATIONAL) is a Non-Governmental Organisation committed to sustainable development and to the 17 Goals defined by the United Nations.

  • Training in entrepreneurship and IGAs and with priority groups, such as young people and women in rural areas
  • Education and health: donations of school kits, organisation of inter-school challenges, raising awareness of hygiene and disease prevention (malaria, haemorrhagic fevers, etc.)
  • Creation and management of civil society organisations CSOs
  • Human rights: Training and organisation of events on violence against women (GBV), female genital mutilation (FGM), actions in favour of children’s rights, defence of minorities
  • Actor of economic motivation: Annual organisation of the ECONOMIC and SOCIAL FORUM (FES) in the mining regions of the country. (1st edition in Boké over 4 days – November 2021)
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Other partners / supporters
  • Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests – Guinea
  • Communities of the Administrative Region of FARANAH
  • ASEFCE INTERNATIONAL (International Presidency) – France
  • Association FIER des ODD (Regionalized International Festival of Sustainable Development Goals) – France / Morocco