
Women 4 Renewable Energy Sources – W4RES

Women Engage for a Common Future is an international ecofeminist network of organisations committed to building a healthy, sustainable and equitable world with women.

An initiative of Women Engage for a Common Future International

Overview of the project

The objective of our project is to significantly increase women’s participation in the deployment of the renewable energy market, and in particular the uptake of heating and cooling solutions in 8 EU countries, through replicable support programmes tested and validated in the partners’ territories.

Activities include market mapping including socio-economic and gender analysis, capacity building, creation of an online platform, pilot support measures for women-led entrepreneurial projects (start-ups, professional networks, business development), and national awareness and information campaigns.


Promote women's access to the renewable energy market (air conditioning and heating).

Level of progress


Project timeline


Quantitative results
  • Two reports published: Mapping of framework conditions for market uptake of RHC
  • Needs, perceptions and challenges in the RHC landscape: Evidence from 8 regions (
  • 28 women’s or gender-sensitive entrepreneurial projects receive technical and development support
  • 1 capacity building programme on the promotion of women in the air-conditioning and heating sectors is under construction
Qualitative results

Socio-economic analyses of 8 representative European markets in the heating and cooling sector: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway and Slovakia. These reports focus on regulations and market conditions that may hinder or favour the adoption of renewable energy solutions in the heating and cooling sectors; challenges and recommendations to enhance women’s participation in these sectors within the above mentioned countries.


This project is funded by the EU - H2020 Programme - Research and Innovation

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About the

Women Engage for a Common Future International

Marilys Louvet
Gender and Energy Project Manager

Women Engage for a Common Future is an international ecofeminist network of organisations committed to building a healthy, sustainable and equitable world with women.

Our mission is to be a catalyst for change to integrate women’s priorities and leadership into policies and actions that will shape a just and sustainable world. The WECF network has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). WECF is a member of the Women and Gender Constituency, an accredited observer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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A project
in collaboration
  • Q-PLAN

    Consulting Company

    Ioannis Konstas
Other partners / supporters


  • APRE, Research Institute
    CiviESCo: CiviBank’s energy services agency
  • European Green Cities, European NGO for the promotion of carbon neutral cities
  • European Center for Women and Technology: Europe’s largest network of women in the digital economy
  • Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP), Bulgaria agency for the promotion of renewable energy
  • EUREC Association of European Research Centres
    Hochschule fur Technik Stuttgart, Stuttgart University of Technology, Germany
  • PEDAL Consulting
  • Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i)