Youth and Green Jobs for a Green Economy / Jeunesse et Emplois Verts pour une Economie Verte (JEVEV)

Awareness project taking place in Benin. The aim is to inform students, teachers and cantine workers about good practices. Lots of young people are now interested in green entrepreneurship thanks to JEVEV or Youth and Green Jobs for a Green Economy who organised a "Green tour" on this subject.

An initiative of NGO Youth and Green Jobs for a Green Economy

Overview of the project

This project’s main activity is organising “Green tours” in schools.

The project aims to inform students, teachers and cantine workers. The idea is to raise awareness on eco-citizen actions, good practices and the dangers related to the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags. Also, this project promotes the use of alternatives such as healthy and ecological practices.

The “Green tour” is a concept created by the JEVEV organisation. It’s a programme that promotes the respect of environmental principles, recycling while participating in the social equity of different communities.


Promoting the green and circular economy in the education sector.

Level of progress

Pilote operation, experimentation

Quantitative results

Over 10 500 people have been positively impacted by the project including students, teachers and cantine workers. Thank to the Green Tour, entrepreneurship took a turn for the best and the incubator AFRICA GREEN ECONOMY PROMOTION CENTER now welcomes 56 young green entrepreneurs and over 10 green innovations that are now becoming exciting new start-ups. 13 of these are women cooperatives and 7 are associations of people with disabilities.

Qualitative results

The project has improved waste management in schools and more and more cantine workers from these schools are now aware and in favor of the Law 2017-39 that bans plastic bags. Biodegradable bags and other alternatives are being developed and multiple schools are now making their own compost and ecological gardens.


Participatory finance, and financial and technical support from the Ministry of Living Conditions and Sustainable Development in Benin. et cette année a connu le soutien financier et technique du Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable du Bénin.

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About the

NGO Youth and Green Jobs for a Green Economy

Président , ingénieur des projets et spécialiste des questions d'économie verte ouest-africaines
  • Developing new capacities via trainings, community adapted practices and information
  • Innovating/collecting information on green innovations in order to build a database full of information on this subject aiming to share the knowledge as much as possible
  • Identifying and accompanying village inhabitant’s projects
  • Mobilizing people and mostly young and vulnerable populations and searching for finance in order to put into place their projects
  • Reducing the gender gap by promoting women’s status within traditional societies and their involvement within the development process

Other activities:

  • Education and Human Rights
  • Biodiversity preservation, organic agriculture
  • Aquatic ecosystem management
  • Environmental education in and out of schools
  • Renewable energies
  • Environmental justice, eco-tourism
  • Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Enhancement of executives capacities
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