New global synthesis Report on climate finance 2020
Climate Chance released the 3rd Edition of its Global Climate Finance Synthesis Report during the Paris for Tomorrow week (23rd to 30th October), organised by Finance For Tomorrow around the Climate Finance Day.

On November 17th, Climate Chance organized a restitution workshop on key trends in climate finance with Finance For Tomorrow and I Care & Consult.
For the publication of the new Global Synthesis Report on Climate Finance, Climate Chance organised an informative workshop on the main trends and key figures of climate finance 2020, with its partner Finance For Tomorrow and the contribution of I Care & Consult. Our speakers discussed the impacts of Covid-19 on the climate strategies of the financial actors :
Amaury Parelle, Coordinator of the Observatoire Climate Chance – Anne-Claire Roux, Managing Director Finance For Tomorrow – Maria Scolan, Advisor to the President I4CE – Emilie Marbot, Senior Consultant Finance & Environment I Care & Consult
Please find the replay in English here:
On October 28th, Climate Chance released its new Global Synthesis report on Climate Finance in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow
During #ParisForTomorrowWeek #ClimatefinanceDay, week of events dedicated to sustainable finance, Climate Chance published its new Global Synthesis Report on Climate Finance 2020
Produced in partnership with Finance for Tomorrow, like its two previous editions, this report is an analysis and a follow-up of climate action led by financial actors: banks, insurers and investors. It also presents the market dynamics with the evolution and offer of green financial products.
The Global Synthesis report on Climate Finance is part of a series of publications from our Climate Chance Observatory created in 2018 and currently bringing together 4 annual Global Reports: finance, sector-based, local action, adaptation and numerous case studies.
Climate Chance continues to highlight how mobilisations evolve, to give credibility to the strategies of the actors in relation to the international climate objectives, and to observe the reality of the announced actions.
“A few days before the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement, this third edition of the report produced by Climate Chance and Finance for Tomorrow, reflects how financial actors are increasingly becoming aware of their major role in the low-carbon transition of the real economy, but also in the factors that underpin its success: the protection of biodiversity and the social impact of investments and financial products. Each year, it analyzes in more detail the need for coherence between finance action and climate and environmental issues. »
Ronan Dantec, president of Climate Chance