Cocody Green City – Carbon Sink
The commune of Cocody has initiated a vast environmental project of rupture that aims to change the face of Cocody by reducing the effects of the pollution, favoring the empowerment of the woman and ensuring the balance of the ecosystem, promoting the eco-citizen!

Overview of the project
The project aims to contribute to limiting the temperature of the planet below + 1 ° C before 2100 and to transform the entire south of Ivory Cost into a huge wetland, green lung and carbon sinks of the continent. This, thanks to renewable energies, sustainable transport, energy efficiency improvement of buildings and street lighting, and the prevention of risks and disasters.
For the Mayor of Cocody Mr. N’Goan Aka Mathias, his City Council and all the people of his commune, all pledge to reduce these emissions by 70 to 80% by 2030. This reduction could even sometimes reach 90% in case of external financial support. To achieve this, Mayor N’Goan, his City Council and its inhabitants, ensure reverse the trend before 2030, to end the fossil fuels throughout the municipality, bringing the share of renewable energy in the mix electricity of the commune to 95%.
It will be a question of starting a real energy transition without oil or fossil carbon, of executing the directives of the Head of State President Alassane Ouattara, of maintaining a healthy environment with the will to transmit it to the future generations.
To achieve an innovative and adapted approach, to reverse the trend before 2030, by a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in major African cities in general, and in Côte d'Ivoire in particular.
Ongoing financing
- A project of “planting” one million trees in the town to capture oxygen and reduce desertification
- Plant several kilometers of mangrove along the lagoon bay to enrich the fish resources
- Promote solar energy
- Reduce the effects of polluting vehicles by gradually replacing 5000 polluting communal taxis by Wibus (air-conditioned mini buses with internet connection)
- Presentation of the project at CoP 22, in Marrakech, in January 2017 by the Mayor of Cocody, N’goan Aka Mathias – Planting trees on ENA Vallon and Latrille boulevards
- Signature of partnership with the US NGO ERi
- Launch of a hundred Wibus in the commune of Cocody
In the policy of development and modernization of the municipality of Cocody, the Mayor N’goan Aka Mathias, initiated a few months ago, an vast environmental project of rupture which aims to change the face of Cocody in the next years, by transforming the city against global warming, creating green jobs, reducing the effects of pollution, empowering women and ensuring the balance of the ecosystem and promoting the emergence of an eco-citizen.
in collaboration