Forest Adaptation to Climate Change
The Fondation du Parc national de la Vallée de la Semois is committed to the protection and sustainable development of local ecosystems, with over 70 actions by 2026. Nine local operators carry out these missions under the aegis of the foundation.

Overview of the project
The project aims to make the forests of the Semois Valley National Park more resilient to climate change. To achieve this, several actions are being carried out simultaneously:
1) Identification of forest species adapted to predicted climatic conditions and estimation of the vulnerability of current forest stands based on scientific literature and field observations.
2) Identification and documentation of management initiatives to regenerate a diversity of species adapted to climate change. These initiatives will be quantified with a view to optimizing them and disseminating best practices.
3) Setting up laboratory areas to identify new species and provenances compatible with current and future conditions, and appropriate silviculture. The choice of species will be guided by the results of Task 1 and will take into account the challenges of preserving biodiversity and the physico-chemical quality of the environment (e.g. exclusion of invasive exotic species).
4) The installation of diversification islands to guarantee the presence of seedbeds for a diversity of species adapted to the future climate in the most vulnerable areas of the park by 2050.
5) The initiation of silvicultural operations designed to remove one of the main obstacles to the diversification of beech-oak forests by taking advantage of the mechanisms of forest succession. Grazing pressure is widespread, reducing the number of species capable of regenerating. The cost of the protective measures required to remedy this situation limits diversification to small proportions of regenerated forest areas.
Define and initiate a plan to adapt the forest to climate change by 2100.
Ongoing research
01/10/2023 - 30/06/2026 project still in progress
Preliminary results of a meta-analysis of the scientific literature on the adaptability of forest tree species to future climate.
Mission co-financed 80% by subsides from Parc national (Wallonia's recovery plan) and 20% by WWF
The Department of Nature and Forests (DNF) is a partner organization in the project, providing supervision and active collaboration
The Department of Nature and Forests (DNF) is a partner organization in the project, providing supervision and active collaboration.