OGREEN Project
OGreen is an eco-construction project that aspires to be a social enterprise that educates and provokes a change in mindsets and behaviors towards environmental protection and recycling. Based in Lomé in Togo.

Overview of the project

OGreen is a eco-construction project that aspires to be a social enterprise and that educates and provokes a change in mindsets and behaviors towards environmental protection and recycling. Based in Lomé in Togo.
The objective of this project is to create building and areas that are eco-responsible and ecological across Togo. These eco-buildings should be autonomous and enable the population to live sustainably. The eco-buildings will also replace slums that are present in the capital and therefore reduce the risk of health problems. The price will also be affordable.
Through the environmental education and sustainable development component of the project, OJEDD will stimulate a change in people’s attitudes and behaviors. Through participatory recycling and decoration workshops, action will be conducted on collective intelligence to share know-how and generate talents to be valued through the marketing of products.
The eco-construction and sustainable energy construction component should enable the project to raise funds to support the construction of schools and install electricity in schools in order to promise a better future for children.
To offer sustainable building and homes for populations by improving their living conditions.
Pilote operation, experimentation
About fifty through awareness and recycling workshops.
Improvement of the quality of life of populations through sustainable housing.
Own funds. Currently in the recycling phase but aspire to use recycled and local materials.
The Organisation of Youth involved in Sustainable Development (“OJEDD”), is an association that brings together youth involved in concrete actions that impact their community in Togo and improves lifestyle conditions of populations especially for people living in rural areas. The goal is to achieve the SDGs defined by the United Nations.
The associated in based in Togo but has become more present worldwide.
OJEDD is involved in 5 main sectors:
- environment
- education
- health
- agriculture
- entrepreneurship
OJEDD is mostly based on raising awareness and educating populations on SDGs.