Planting 850 hectares of olive trees
This project taking place in Morocco aims to plant a very large number of olive trees in order to fight against the negative impacts of climate change.
An initiative of Association L'Avenir pour le Développement

Overview of the project
The project is in partnership with the association ’Avenir Pour Le Développement' and the Provincial Board for Agriculture DPA in the SAFI region MARRAKECH-SAFI. The olive tree planting project was followed by:- A training for olive farmers and beekeepers
- Photo exhibitions on climate change for raising awareness
- Creating of Environment Clubs in schools and reforestation in olive planes
Improving quality of life for small farmers
2016 - 2018
"Opération Maroc Ver"t
About the
Rural and farming development and creation of associations/cooperatives.
Creating activities linked to the environment and education.