Promoting climate information
This projects contributes not only to including climate change in development and urban planning policies but also to spreading climate information in Senegal and therefore making it accessible to all!

Overview of the project

This projects aims to contribute not only to including climate change in development and urban planning policies but also to spreading climate information in Senegal and therefore making it accessible to all !
This means that the association’s main activity is identifying good practices and reaching out to actors that are need climate information during the decision-making process.
The main activities are the following:
- spreading climate information in order to help decision making, sharing good agricultural practices, sharing weather forecasts and resilience action to face climate chocs
- sharing success stories and testimonies
- doing climate monitoring and coaching
- passing on information to others during COPs (conference of parties) as well as during conferences of biodiversity and desertification.
Contributing not only to the inclusion of climate change in development and urban planning policies but also to taking better care of actors when they must make decision, all thank to climate information.
Published research
Positive responses concerning the care taken toward climate information. On a national level, there has been an improvement in the way information is shared ; better knowledge on the way information goes round.
Increase in agricultural production; courses for actors based on capacity strenghtening ; actors now use judgement to determine best options.
A protocol was signed between the association and other projects in order to enhance the gathering, processing and sharing of climate information. Funds also came from some documentaries and local radio stations.

The activities of the association are the following:
- Sharing
- Collecting
- Processing
- Spreading agricultural, environmental and pastoral information.