Scaling-up Agricultural Value Chain (AVC) Best Practices for Potatoes and Market Gardening
Thanks to its radio partners, FOSCAR Mali is carrying out a campaign to disseminate information on innovations concerning potato/ market gardening agricultural value chains.

Overview of the project
Following exchanges with PASSIP-CIV/AFC-ECO-DLG, FOSCAR Mali was selected to scale-up innovations on potato/market gardening agricultural value chains in the regions of Koulikoro, Sikasso and Segou through rural radio and other information and communication technologies (ICT). Within this framework, FOSCAR Mali intends to build its intervention strategy on the expertise of “Radio Action Impact” which has proven itself in this field, as well as in its experience using participatory media in the Agricultural Council.
This approach differs from radio’s conventionally recognised methods as it involves all stakeholders, from sponsors to potato/market gardening producers, in the design and development of radio programmes. It will encourage potato growers, researchers, buyers, agricultural advisory experts, processors, and decision-makers in the selected areas to work together to develop constructive and interactive radio programmes.
Production and realisation, by radio partners, of a participatory radio campaign to scale-up information on innovations concerning potato/market gardening AVC.
Ongoing research
- 50,000 people received information on the innovations of the potato/market gardening AVC.
- FOSCAR Mali signed a collaborative contract with six radio stations.
- FOSCAR Mali motivated the signing of two sales contracts per region between companies marketing and/or processing market garden produce and producers.
- FOSCAR Mali developed an application “POMITERI NI NAKOSENE TAABOLO NYUMANW” which was updated and diffused.
- FOSCAR Mali trained 30 people on themes related to the promoted innovations.
- 24 community listeners’ clubs have been set up and are now operational.
This project was financed by the Centres d'Innovations Vertes (Green Innovation Centres) / GIZ Mali.
Forum National des Services de Conseil Agricole et Rural / National Forum of Agricultural Advisory Services of Mali (FOSCAR Mali) is a national platform for mutual learning and innovation among agricultural advisory and extension service suppliers across the country. Its missions are:
- Promote the status of the Services de Conseil Agricole et Rural / Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (SCAR) for sustainable and modern agriculture.
- Establish mechanisms for large-scale coordination and sharing of relevant and adaptable knowledge and experience.
- Promote new approaches in SCARs, such as innovation platforms, value links, participatory constructive media campaigns, etc.
- Promote vocational training and capacity building to meet the needs of the agricultural value chain approach.
- Promote the mobilisation of SCARs’ potential for modernisation of agricultural production systems and the improvement of agricultural sectors’ competitiveness.
- Promote knowledge management and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve SCARs’ performance and impact.
- Wide-scale dissemination of the identified and capitalised upon innovations with the participation of agricultural and rural advisory services and stakeholders from different links of the AVC.
in collaboration