TEAD Ukraine (Trainings for Energy Auditors & Technical Designers)
WECF is a nonprofit network striving for a gender-just and healthy planet. With over 250 women's and civil society organizations in 70 countries, we advocate for holistic solutions aligned with people's lives.

Overview of the project

The TEAD Project supports the implementation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine through facilitation of the country’s efforts to increase technical capacities for performing energy audits, as well as better (energy efficient) technical designs. All implemented with a gender lens!
The overall objectives:
i) contribute to the improvement of the quality of energy audits for all end users, including industries and SMEs by locally trained energy auditors, Energy audits will then be used by technical designers for the successful implementation of EE programmes in the areas of residential and public buildings as well as in industries and SMEs,
ii) increasing knowledge of energy auditors and technical designers in assessing technical conditions of buildings for reconstruction, designing and rebuilding with updated energy considerations, and usage of energy-efficient materials and technologies to be used in construction.
Our primary goal is to empower women in Ukraine to become energy auditors in and to provide advocacy and outreach support to employers, local and central authorities, educational institutions, and other stakeholders
Ongoing research
01/2022 - Project still in progress
February 19 will see the start of the Train the Trainers Programme of TEAD, Trainings for Energy Auditors and Technical Designers in Ukraine, for which 75 trainers were selected. TEAD is designed to provide professional training programmes for energy audits in order to create sufficient numbers of qualified specialists that can deliver high-quality energy audits in buildings and industries, including energy-intensive sectors and SMEs. The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of energy audits for all end users by locally trained energy auditors, while making sure women are equally involved in this process.
The qualitative results so far have been many. We have been networking for over a year, supporting local and regional governments, supporting the work of the main stakeholder, the Ukrainian Ministry of Reconstruction. All with the aim of aligning the energy sector in Ukraine to EU standards and to help Ukraine to be rebuild in a green, healthy and gender just way. We have also organised workshops online to attract women to the energy sector and have selected 12 Ukranian female energy professionals to become Energy Ambassadors for the sector and for potential energy auditors.
The project is funded by the EU delegation in Kyiv (currently based in Brussels)
We are a nonprofit network dedicated to a gender just and healthy planet for all. Our international network consists of over 250 women’s and civil society organisations in 70 countries. We believe that a sustainable future and environment needs holistic solutions reflecting the lives of people on the ground. We believe in feminist solutions based on our partners’ visions and needs. That is why we work on transformative gender equality and women’s human rights in interconnection with climate justice, sustainable energy & chemicals, less toxic waste, safe water & sanitation for all.
In this project we work intensively with stakeholders in Ukraine, such as various ministries, the convenant of mayors, UNDP Ukraine and also, very importantly, the Women Energy Club of Ukraine (WECU)