Promoting Photovoltaic Energy Use in Sfax, Tunisia
The Sfax Solidarity Development Association works towards developing renewable energies in this Tunisian city by installing photovoltaic panels to self-produce electricity.

Overview of the project

The initiative was launched to equip public buildings (e.g. schools, mosques, etc.) with photovoltaic installations to self-generate electricity connected to the low-voltage grid.
ADSS also intervenes with the aim of raising awareness on the following themes: energy saving and the use of renewable energies, particularly solar energy, and the selective sorting of waste.
Equip public buildings (schools, mosques, etc.) with photovoltaic installations to self-generate electricity connected to the low-voltage grid.
Ongoing research
Equipment of Al Mouna primary school in Sfax with a photovoltaic installation for self-production of 3.25 kWp power electricity connected to the low-voltage network. This project was carried out within the framework of the “Strengthening of the Solar Market (RMS)” activities implemented by the ANME (Agence Nationale pour la Maîtrise de l’Energie / National Agency of Energy Management).
Raising awareness in schools on themes of energy saving and the use of renewable energies, particularly solar energy.
The initiative was co-financed by ADSS, ANME and GIZ, as well as other private companies for the photovoltaic demonstration installation.

Our vision is to contribute to the solidarity development of the city of Sfax in collaboration with local and regional actors and in cooperation with other associations, organisations, and international structures. The aim is to raise to a higher level the citizens’ quality of life and to strengthen the aspects of sustainable development, the control of natural resources, and good governance.