Campus Green
The Campus Green project aims to renovate the green "Sous-Bois" space in order to demonstrate and invite the students of the Félix Houphouët Boigny University to understand the notion of preservation and maintenance of their living environment.

Overview of the project
Campus Green is an initiative resulting from the reflection of several students. It consists of giving an ecological value to the green spaces located within the various Ivorian universities that provide gathering and amusement places for young people to benefit from after classes. The goal is to transform these green spaces by making use of all the ecological actions, which will raise awareness and instill eco-citizen behaviour in young students.
Why the student world and especially the Félix Houphouët Boigny University before extending to others?
The Félix Houphouët Boigny University is the premier university of the Ivory Coast and the favorable area for the project pilot due to its geographical position, which gives it an opening on the Ebrié lagoon, as well as being at the center of the economic capital Abidjan.
The Félix Houphouët Boigny University has many natural areas in its midst, among these is the one which is the subject of our project called “CAMPUS GREEN.” The space, referred to by the students as “Sous-Bois” due to its thick canopy of large trees including palm trees, gives this natural space an ecological framework to be preserved.
“Sous-Bois” is a place for meeting, conviviality, discussion, relaxation, exhibition, debate and prayers. All the students of the 13 UFR that make up the university meet there for various reasons, especially within the framework of their studies. Unfortunately, since the reopening of the university in September 2012, this area has only deteriorated.
This is why Green Student decided to propose the following solutions within the framework of the Campus Green Project:
- Reforestation and installation of a new lawn
- Installation of photovoltaic powered electronic lamps
- Installation of benches and tables for better comfort
- A wifi connection
- A fast-food kiosk equipped with first aid kits
- Installation of awareness panels in the park
- Establishment of a cleaning and maintenance program
- Natural compost production
Establish ecological green spaces within the universities of the Ivory Coast.
Ongoing financing
Green Student is an ecological association fighting against all forms of pollution. It is mainly composed of students who love and are passionate about the environment; the Greeners is the name that symbolizes us as defenders of the environment. Being Greener is therefore to Think Green; yes think green, think ecologically, think as an eco-citizen. We are the banners of this youth concerned about the environmental problems undermining our blue planet; we are the torchbearers of this youth fighting to have a sustainable ecological legacy; we are the African youth who committed themselves to save the last continent teeming with wild fauna and flora. Unanimously we Greener say “An ecological spirit for a healthy and sustainable environment.”