Citizen-led energy production in Pays de Vilaine
The association "Wind turbines in Pays de Vilaine" was founded in 2003 based on the idea that inexhaustible and decentralized natural resources must be exploited and benefit the local areas.

Overview of the project

This is a citizen led association that was founded in 2003 based on the idea that inexhaustible and decentralized natural resources must be exploited and benefit the local areas.
100% citizen led projects have been developed and are mainly Wind turbine farms all around the city of Redon in the north-west of France.
After identifying several areas, EPV, with the support of many volunteers, the association successfully initiated the development of cooperative wind projects in two areas (Sévérac-Guenrouët in Loire-Atlantique and Béganne in Morbihan). To be able to coordinate all the studies and actions carried out by the association, EPV has hired, through external contributions, an employee.
But its actions go beyond: in June 2016, to better reflect the scope of its activities in renewable energies and its specific citizenship, the association changed its name and became Energies citizens in Pays de Vilaine (always under the EPV acronym) ). It contributes to the development of projects in other sectors, such as solar energy.
Local and citizen led energy production/control.
Multi-site development
Since 2003
As a reference in citizen led wind energy, the association is now at the initiative of three parks in the Pays de Vilaine: the Béganne park (in operation since June 2014), the Sévérac- Guenrouët (January 2016) and Avessac Park (April 2017), a total of:
- 13 citizen wind turbines, 26 MW of installed capacity,
- 42 million euros of investment,
- a production capacity of 60 million kWh
- and nearly 2000 people involved.
Over 100 volunteers and a network composed of 2000 citizens committed to the projects. The association has also been recognized by various institutions.
100% of funds from citizens. Subsidies and revenues from wind farms for network animation.
This is a citizen led association that was founded in 2003 based on the idea that inexhaustible and decentralized natural resources must be exploited and benefit the local areas.
100% citizen led projects have been developed and are mainly Wind turbine farms all around the city of Redon in the north-west of France.
The association offers trainings, swarming and accompanies citizen in their creation and leadership for new projects.
The association’s philosophy:
Priority on saving energy and creating renewable energies led by citizens.
Thoughts and reflections on energy must be a global issue applied to a local level. Everyone must reduce their energy consumption and make production methods less energy-consuming.