Deploying africa’s massive youth populations in developing sustainable african cities
Through this paper study, Jos Green Centres seeks to frame the development of African cities into smart and sustainable cities and proposes the establishment of Climate innovation hub.

Overview of the project
Africa today is experiencing rapid population growth which puts the continent in a position where it would make up half of all people on the universe in the coming years. The rising urbanization in Africa is already throwing up slums, urban poverty, and rising inequality, such that the bulk of which resides in Africa’s cities are characterized by unsustainable waste management, poor energy access, high youth unemployment, inequality, poverty and exclusion leading to increased crime and other social vices. This paper presents three variables: (a) Community-ness (b) Policies (c) Technology, which should inform the conceptual framework for developing African cities into smart and sustainable cities. The paper also made the connection of sustainable cities with the concept of restorative economy (Tearfund Restorative Economy Report, 2015) and drawing from the African Union Agenda 2063 (Africa we want). The paper concludes with strong recommendation that developing African cities sustainably requires the deployment youth energies in developing sustainable cities in Africa and riding the crest of youth energies, creativity and innovativeness with lessons from the work of Jos Green Centre (a youth movement in Nigeria) and their proposed climate innovation hub, as a model for transitioning African cities into sustainable cities.
This paper informs the conceptual framework for developing African cities into smart and sustainable cities and proposes the establishment of Climate innovation hub, a Youth Driven Eco- hub meant to provide a platform for creating and promoting eco-innovations and eco-solutions.
Ongoing research
Undertake robust
conversations on renewables and circular economy exploring opportunities for youth led eco-innovations and enterprises as a pathway for Nigeria.
The paper concludes with strong recommendation that developing African cities sustainably requires the deployment youth energies in developing sustainable cities in Africa and riding the crest of youth energies, creativity and innovativeness with lessons from the work of Jos Green Centre and their proposed climate innovation hub, as a model for transitioning African cities into sustainable cities
Yet to be financed
Jos Green Centre is a youth driven platform on ecoinnovations, eco-entrepreneurship, social enterprise, policy influencing and research which emerged in 2015 as a result of the facilitative work of Tearfund amongst youth in Jos, North Central Nigeria. Over the last two years, Jos Green centre has replicated the emergence of similar youth platforms in Yola (The Yola Renewal Foundation) and Kaduna (The Kaduna centre for initiative development) which are also changing the narratives of their contexts through innovatively addressing context specific issues in their locations. Jos Green Centre in conjunction with Tearfund Nigeria, latching on global conversations around green economy/circular economy organized the 1st youth and green Jobs conference in Jos, Nigeria in March 2017 as a strategy of pointing to alternative pathways to resolving the crisis of unemployment among youth in the nation.
in collaboration