For each house a tree in the community
Involvement of disabled people in climate change and promotion of good environmental practices in Dakar.

An initiative of Association of Disabled People
Overview of the project
This initiative is a response of disabled actors in the fight against climate change.
- By raising awareness and physical participation in environmental preservation activities, this initiative seeks to make disabled people key players in the search for solutions for populations through their resilience to climate change.
- During one year, each district of the twenty-one districts of the commune will have a tea debate in the spirit of a participatory policy.
- The coordination will be done through the district delegate and the concerned actors of each district
- The mayor with the person in charge of the environment of the commune will be put forward as an ambassador
Involvement of disabled people in climate change and promotion of good environmental practices.
Ongoing research
October 2022 - October 2023
- Awareness work emerges from the need for each household to understand the climate issues
- The acceptance of the disabled populations through their fight against climate change
Support from members and other stakeholders
Thanks to the commune of Biscuiterie.
About the

- The integration of disabled people in everyday life
- Awareness
- Advocacy
- Climate activities
- Participation in the fight against climate change and behavioural change of community actors
- Reforestation of living environments
- Training and capacity building
Other partners / supporters
3c circle young association koundame to accompany in the awareness