The Climate in Our Hands
OCE, created in 2018 under the aegis of UNESCO and the Fondation La main à la pâte, promotes climate change education. As an observer member of the IPCC, it offers educational resources, training, participates in research projects, and accompanies global education policies.

Overview of the project
The climate in our hands is a formal education project, targeting schools, middle schools and high schools (target: pupils aged 9 to 18), both in France and internationally (Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia). The presentation below focuses on the deployment in France, which is based on the following elements:
– free provision of high-quality, interdisciplinary, royalty-free teaching resources based on IPCC reports: turnkey school textbooks, teacher summaries of IPCC reports, training protocols, video capsules, interactive multimedia animations, etc.
– professional development for teachers: face-to-face training (2 to 5 days) and distance learning (synchronous or asynchronous)
– coordinating communities of practice (involving teachers, scientists, associations, local authorities….) and supporting local school projects
– promoting local initiatives on a national and international scale
– participation in action research on the impact of climate change education (case studies on eco-anxiety and new narratives)
– support for public education policies (Ministries of Education and Ecological Transition): participation in CSEN, CNEDDOM, FOREDD, TEDS workshops, etc.
Develop climate change education in schools, colleges and high schools, to enable the younger generation to develop a solid understanding of the challenges of climate change and the skills needed to act as citizens in a constantly changing environment.
Ongoing research
2018 - 2024 (project still in progress)
Project results in France:
– Publication of 80 teaching resources (2 turnkey manuals, 4 summaries of IPCC reports, 3 training protocols, dozens of video capsules and multimedia animations):
– These resources have been distributed free of charge and used in over 20,000 classes, reaching more than 1 million pupils.
– Publication of 1 20-hour MOOC and 6 short online training courses, with over 1,000 teachers trained
– Organization of 152 face-to-face and distance training courses, reaching some 12,000 teachers and trainers
– 20 high-level events, reaching over 1,000 decision-makers in France
– support for 200 classes in their field projects
– improved scientific knowledge on the part of pupils and their teachers, as well as their skills and attitudes towards climate change
– very high levels of teacher satisfaction: 85% of teachers enrolled in the project have actually implemented it in their classes, and over 85% of them have declared that the teaching tools are of good or very good quality, and 100% recommend the project to their colleagues
– institutional support: reform of school curricula in France (primary, collège, lycée), ongoing reform in higher education (Jouzel report, TEDS workshops), coherent, long-term framework for structuring these actions in France and internationally (Greening education partnership)
The project benefits from French public funding (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Ecological Transition, ADEME, AFD, Météo France, IPSL...) and European funding (Horizon and Erasmus+ programs), as well as private funding (family and corporate foundations).
L’OCE was created in 2018 in response to Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, highlighting the importance of climate change education. Under the aegis of UNESCO and the Fondation La main à la pâte, OCE is also an observer member of the IPCC and co-coordinator of the United Nations Greening Education Partnership.
OCE’s mission is to promote climate change education worldwide through :
– high-quality educational resources
– professional development for teachers and teacher trainers
– facilitating communities of practice
– participation in research and evaluation projects
– supporting public education policy (school programs, national and international pilot projects, expertise, etc.).
OCE relies on its founding members (Fondation La main à la pâte, CNRS, Sorbonne-Université, Météo et climat, Météo France, IRD) as well as its main institutional partners in France (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Ministry of Research, ADEME, AFD) and internationally (UNESCO, IPCC, academies of science) for the deployment of its actions as well as for scientific and educational expertise.