LAGAZEL is the first company to industrialise the production of solar products in Africa in order to bring a quality and local solution to the 650 million African inhabitants that currently lack access to electricity.

Overview of the project

LAGAZEL is the first company to industrialise the production of solar products in Africa in order to bring a quality and local solution to the 650 million African inhabitants that currently lack access to electricity.
Firstly, LAGAZEM developed a rang of solar lamps called Kalo. Fitted with a metal shield, the lamps are very robust and high quality. They can also be used for a long time at once (up to 40 hours).
Kalo lamps are one of the best on the market. They are have a 2 year guarantee and last 5 years. New products are currently being development such as a domestic solar kit.
But LAGAZEL’s innovation is mainly directed on the production model. The lamps are conceived with French composants and are made/put together in Burkina Faso by trained employees. This contributes not only to creating jobs in France but also in Africa and with economic and local development.
Moreover, the environment impact of the value chain is considerably reduced as the production is close to the consumption areas and handling of old products with the after-sales services in very close the areas twhere the produced are used too.
Before 2025, LAGAZEL aims to create 5 production workshops and to sell over 1 Million solar equipments.
Prodcuing solar goods on industrial and local level in Africa in order to bring a quality and local solution de qualité et de proximité qui n'ont pas accès à l'électricité en Afriqueto inhabitants without access electricity.
Multi-site development
50 000 solar lamps solaires were made in Burkina Faso since September 2016.
Creation of local employment, products will longer lives thanks to quality and local after-sales services, improvement of living conditions of solar lamp users.
Co-founders fundings.
With over 100 installations in Western Africa, CB Energie has specialised over time in solar pumping. CB Energie, represents 30 employees in Dédougou (Burkina Faso) and Chabanne, has 70 employees in Saint-Galmier (France).
Our innovation:
In 2015, Arnaud and Maxence two brother, merged their skills and experiences from their two companies in order to create LAGAZEL an innovative project that aims to light up Africa
- technological innovation : eco-conceived metal lamps, quality composants made in France
- social innovation : local production at industrial level, after-sales service, enhancement of old products
in collaboration