Garden Patati Patata
Revert, founded in 2002 in Wallonia, is taking action for the environment in the face of overexploitation of fossil fuels, depletion of resources and climate change. It promotes the changes in behavior necessary in a fragile world.

Overview of the project

Creation of a place for sharing knowledge, providing participants (+- 35) with social, physical and psychological rejuvenation.
This social project combines organic urban gardening, community mixing and the transformation of a derelict site into a convivial space.
Verviers is a town hard hit by unemployment and flooding, and is characterized by its multiculturalism, with a certain ghettoization of different communities. Its town center is dying and its shops are emptying out. The Jardin Partager Potager is a great opportunity to revive this historic and popular downtown district. A Vegetable Garden is, of course, an apprenticeship to greater food self-sufficiency, a step towards healthier, more sustainable food, but it’s also a great place to learn about respecting community life and protecting biodiversity. Participants will increase their capacity to take action in their own environment and neighborhood… (e.g. creation of a neighborhood composter) but also thanks to the training and awareness-raising activities that will be provided.
The "Jardin Partage et Culture" project involves the creation of a 2,500 m² community vegetable garden, the aim of which is to bring residents together in the heart of the city, to create a space for doing and living together.
Ongoing research
The project was largely financed by an Initiative Locale Intégration Région Wallonne program, with support from the Plan de Cohésion Social of the City of Verviers.
We also appealed to foundations or calls for projects such as Vivre Ensemble, Chi-Green, WWF, Province of LIÈGE... to complete the financing.
Revert was created in 2002 with the aim of developing concrete actions throughout the Walloon region in the field of environmental protection. Faced with a planet profoundly weakened by the over-exploitation of fossil fuels, the depletion of resources, climate change and rising energy prices, changes in behavior are essential…
in collaboration