Promoting renewable energy technologies
This project aims to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by transferring the know-how in order to improve support from youth and to give them new economic opportunities.

An initiative of Commune de Bangangté

Overview of the project
The main focus of this project is on youth trainings specialised on the creation of low-priced solar lanterns and street lights as well as promoting the creation of improved woodstoves.
The project's global objective is to promote energy efficient and renewable energy technologies by transferring the know-how in order to improve support from youth and to give them new economic opportunities.
Pilote operation, experimentation
Distributing 300 improved woodstoves.
Creation of improved woodstoves and assembling of solar lanterns and street lights.
About the

Support for the development, improvement of living conditions and the fight against climate change.
Other partners / supporters
- ONU Habitat (international organisation)
- Commune de Fokoue (local government)
- ONG GADD (Non-governmental organisation)