Rural women as ambassadors for resilient and sustainable agriculture
AEEFG's mission AEEFG's mission is to promote a healthy sustainable environment and resilient education for all.

Overview of the project
The specific objectives to achieve the overall objective are:
OS1: -Raise awareness among agricultural women’s groups of the impacts of climate change, in particular on gender and agriculture, its mitigation and adaptation;
OS2: –Strengthen the protection of natural resources within the framework of national policy / national and international conventions by managing water scarcity (Tunisia risks falling below the threshold of “absolute scarcity” of water (500 m3 per year per inhabitant) by 2030, according to the World Bank) and sanitation, and limit the use of chemical inputs that degrade agricultural soils for the sustainable development of resilient agriculture and guarantee healthy agricultural production;
OS3: –Educate women about renewable energies that could potentially be applied in the region and best practice tools;
OS4: – Promote women’s empowerment, their participation in political decision-making and entrepreneurship for the sale of agro-ecological products.
The overall objective of this project is to build the capacity of women's farming groups to advance local, national and regional sustainable development policies that are sensitive to climate change, by participating in policy development and monitoring, mobilising public support and demonstrating best practice. The aim is to create a movement of rural women as ambassadors for agro-ecology, to combat, limit and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Ongoing research
01/01/2024- 30/06/25
Result 1. * 16 women beneficiaries see their capacities strengthened thanks to training under the Production of local and natural products project.
Result 2. * Co-operation with the “Ethiquable” association to meet international hygiene and quality standards in order to obtain labelling for artisanal agricultural products.
Outcome 3. *16 women trained to set up marketing tools: Facebook page, website, permanent shop, etc.
Result 4. *The activities of rural women are promoted to local authorities, such as the municipality, the regional department of agriculture, the women’s sector, social affairs, health and agricultural unions, as well as to the citizens of Tekelsa.
Result 1. – Theoretical training days on agro-ecology and entrepreneurship
Result 2. – Women learn soil and water retention techniques.
Result 3. – Women farmers were motivated to think about increasing their sources of income through greater diversification. Some of them have practised ridge cropping, produced natural pesticides at home, used chickens instead of weedkillers, etc.
Result 4. – The women trained contributed to the “For a resilient agriculture” advocacy campaign to urge decision-makers to rethink agricultural and food policy.
Result 5. – Some women have succeeded in changing the mentality of their husbands and local men by including them in their activities.
Women Engage for Common Future: WECF
The mission of AEEFG is to promote a healthy sustainable environment and resilient education for all. AEEFG works for a world where education, in its broadest sense, is a key lever for changing people’s behaviour so that it no longer harms human and environmental well-being.
The AEEFG works within the local, national, regional and international context to advocate standards that guarantee fair conditions in order to limit and compensate for the inequalities that are in most cases the source of the social problems from which most developing countries suffer.
In this context, the AEEFG’s approach as a non-profit NGO is to promote projects on the ground on a global scale.
in collaboration
UTSS: Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity
ETHIQUABLE: SwissContact
ATAE: Tunisian Association for Environmental Agriculture
ATP: Tunisian Permaculture Association
GDA Trésors d’Abeilles
Sidi Thabet Training Centre
Regional Directorate of Agriculture, Nabeul Governorate
Municipality of Takelsa
Governorate of Nabeul