Get to know the solar energy sector project for the energy transition of the Great West in France!

Overview of the project

The action aims at improving the competitiveness and the performance of the companies and the actors of the association Atlasun and the development of the part of the solar energy in a sustainable energy mix by favouring the synergies and by contributing to the emergence of projects.
To guarantee the development of solar energy at the service of everyone (businesses, citizens, communities), both in the economic, ecological and socially domains
Decomposition into three colleges: Businesses, Training-Research, Institutional and other partners.
Representation of a group of 50 regional actors from the entire value chain of solar energy (from research to contractors).
Contribution to the technological, commercial and human development of regional economic actors, in particular SMEs, through common tools and services.
Région Pays de la Loire, ADEME Pays de la Loire and members of the association
Atlansun is an association bringing together all the professional actors of the solar sector of the Greater West whose objective is to develop the part of solar energy in a sustainable energy mix by promoting synergies and contributing to the emergence of projects.
in collaboration