Sustainable Community Project (SCP)
This project carried by Green Africa Youth Organization aims to create a circular economy model of material use and replicate this model across the continent.

Overview of the project
Material design, manufacturing and the end life is key for a sustainable future. Waste management remains a critical problem for public and ecological health globally. Ghana generates over 1.7 million tons of plastic waste yearly: only 45% are collected and nearly 10% is recycled while the remaining ends up in drains and water bodies. Additionally, 65% of all waste in Ghana are solid organic waste – which is often disposed at unauthorized locations within most communities. This has increased the vulnerability of floods and sanitation related diseases within rural-urban communities.
The sustainable community Project envisions a community where: production is green, waste is utilized to generate income and households are well educated on proper waste management. The project is creating a community-driven proper waste management structure through an incentive-based approach. The project was piloted at the Adansi South District of Ghana through Public-Private Partnership, Public Education, and Stakeholder Capacity Building.
To create a circular economy model of material use and replicate this model across the continent.
Pilote operation, experimentation
-600kg of solid organic waste converted into compost
-10 000 plastic sachets upcycled
-3000kg of agricultural waste converted to manure
-500kg of hard to decompose organics converted into charcoal briquette
-Improved sanitation in the communities
-Demonstrate the ability to manage waste sustainably for rural-urban communities while providing jobs and income
Through personal and partner support
Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO), is a youth-led gender balanced organization. Founded in the year 2014, we build the capacity of youth and empower them to adopt sustainable living, as well as, reducing pollution in Africa. With ‘Business as Usual’ threatening our planet, we envision to create a world whereby conserving the natural environment will be a priority of the masses: consumers, producers, and policy makers. In our quest to achieve our vision, we research and provide solutions to pressing environmental issues through advocacy, stakeholder’s engagement, and public education. We incorporate moral suasion and indigenous knowledge in our education programs and deliver transformative environmental education to communities residing in sensitive ecological ecosystems – coastal areas and forest reserves.
In the long term, GAYO seeks to become the nation’s most extensive organization that guides individual conscious choices in promoting sustainable living. Through our Sustainable Community Projects, we are on the path to become the first gender-balanced environmental organization that seed the mind of children to view nature as a source of life and not a resource for exploitation. By 2019, we aim to launch Ghana’s first community-based circular economy model (a zero waste community) in an impoverished society.
in collaboration