V-LED : Vertical Integration and Learning for Low-Emission Development in Africa and Southeast Asia
This inspiring project aims to link cities, municipalities, counties or provinces to the country’s work towards reaching the national GHG emissions reduction targets.

Overview of the project

The V-LED project seeks to harness the sub-national potential for low emission development in four countries.
It aims to link cities, municipalities, counties or provinces to the country’s work towards reaching the national GHG emissions reduction targets.
V-LED wants to stimulate local climate action, rallying up and connecting national institutions, municipal authorities, communities and business to join forces.
To move towards more coordinated climate action V-LED wants to:
- Build capacities: V-LED is developing a series of toolkits to stimulate local climate action and training packages for municipal authorities.
- Foster dialogue: V-LED organises networking and exchange spaces for different actors to exchange on their achievements and challenge.
- Find out what works: V-LED is carrying out analytical research on how multi-level governance stimulates climate action in the four countries.
To support the governments if Kenya, South Africa, Vietnam and The Philippines to strengthen policy coordination processes and create networks between national and subnational actors.
Multi-site development
The V-LED project aims at strengthening the collaboration between national and subnational actors. This work fosters the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and NDCs, and help countries meet their international commitments. The project does not directly measure quantitative outcomes.
The V-LED project produced five types of outcomes. • Capacity building, with over 250 people trained in mainstreaming climate change in planning processes. • Research, with four Country Studies on climate finance in South Africa, devolution in Kenya, urban planning in Vietnam and the Philippines. • Multi-level governance processes through 32 vertical dialogues and 20 horizontal exchanges in the four countries. • Advocacy work with networks in international conferences and events: Habitat 3, WUF, COP… • Five toolkits on Local Climate Change Action Plans in the Philippines and Kenya, on mainstreaming climate change in urban planning in Vietnam and on climate-proofed urban water service delivery in South Africa.
The project was funded by a grant from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
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