Be Part Of The Change
Change For Planet is an association founded in 2020 by a group of young people located throughout the Italian peninsula whose goal is to accelerate sustainable development.

Overview of the project
The idea stems from the desire to raise awareness among young people about the climate crisis and the challenges of today’s society. Moreover, the project aims to provide concrete tools to take part in the decision-making and political process in Italy. Young people aged 18 to 35 years are the category least represented and listened at institutional level.
The project follows the thread of the Sustainable Development Goals in order to include citizenship, in particular young people, making them active participants in the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
From October 2020 to June 2021 were organized 11 thematic tables related to the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) which addressed each month one or more goals supported by experts in the field. The first event, held in October, was promoted by ASVIS, within the Festival of Sustainable Development 2020 and was held in collaboration with the City of Florence, with the participation of the Councillor for Environment Cecilia Del Re and the Councillor for Sport and Youth Policies Cosimo Guccione.
Allow everyone to draft concrete solutions in order to tackle the sustainable development goals.
Published research
02.16.2021 - 10.02.2021
We involved more than 200 young people from all over Italy and with the help of 12 experts we created a project that was not only related to the theoretical side of the Sustainable Development Goals, but above all that had a practical impact, giving young people the opportunity to experience, through the different areas touched by the SDG’S (economy, education, environment, architecture, technology, gender equality), the complexity that the theme of sustainability implies. The need for a systemic and interdisciplinary approach to give voice to the segment of the population less represented at the institutional and political level: young people eligible to vote under 35.
The result of this year-long participatory project led to the creation of the Report “Direction 2030: Youth Solutions to the SDGs”. This analysis is the result of the work of hundreds of young people who believed in the value of dialogue and exchange of ideas, contributing to the creation of the report itself. The report contains data on the current situation in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda in Italy and 35 concrete proposals aimed at providing answers to the problems identified for each goal.
Only donations from third party entities.
Change For Planet is an association founded in 2020 by a group of young people located throughout the Italian peninsula. Our goal is to accelerate sustainable development.
On a practical level, we aim to increase climate literacy in order to have a real impact on local communities and we pursue social utility purposes by spreading an organizational model as horizontal and participatory as possible.