Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt)
The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.

Overview of the project

For Charter Signatories, MIP4Adapt is facilitating a Community of Practice and delivering technical assistance to enable regions and local authorities to use their existing climate vulnerability and risk assessments to develop climate adaptation plans and implement solutions; identify appropriate climate adaptation demonstration projects and financial support for their implementation; and stimulate engagement of citizens and stakeholders.
The programme work includes:
– Facilitating a Community of Practice
– Facilitating the alignment of relevant EU-funded projects with the work of MIP4Adapt
– Presenting on Climate-ADAPT guidance, tools, data, and relevant projects for climate resilience on the online Mission Portal.
– Providing tailored technical assistance to Charter Signatories.
– Providing a Helpdesk function within the Community of Practice.
The Mission Implementation Platform (MIP 4Adapt) supports European regional and local authorities to prepare and plan their adaptation pathways to climate resilience.
Project Still in Progress
As this project is ongoing, these are results achieved so far:
– 798 members of the online community of practice
– 75 technical assistance applications received
– Seven Mission Stories produced
– 1270 newsletter subscribers
As this project is ongoing, these are results achieved so far:
– Mission Portal launched
– Online community of practice site was launched
– DIY Guides published for stakeholder and citizen engagement and Climate Risk Assessment
– Technical assistance support programme launched
– Community of Practice exclusive events
MIP4Adapt is funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme.
The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change. The Mission aims to accompany at least 150 European regions and communities towards climate resilience by 2030.
It will help regions and local authorities to understand better the climate risks that they are and will be confronted with in the future; develop their pathways to be better prepared and cope with the changing climate; and test and deploy on the ground innovative solutions needed to build resilience to climate change.
MIP4Adapt is implemented by Ricardo, an environmental sustainability consultancy with wide-ranging experience in supporting international and bilateral development partners, the European Commission, national, subnational and local governmental bodies, and the private sector in relation to all aspects of climate adaptation planning.
Ricardo is supported by:
Fresh Thoughts Consulting
The European Federation of Agencies and regions for Energy and Environment (FEDARENE)
Member State Facilitators that are small businesses with local expertise in climate adaptation planning, climate finance and stakeholder engagement covering all EU Member States and languages: AC Teon, Ambiente Italia, Bee Partner, Bita Green, Climate Matters, Denkstatt, Draxis, Elle, Lasting Values, StritihSustainable Development Consulting, Tyrsky. and individual experts in Malta and Croatia.