
European Climate Risk Assessment

The EEA, an EU agency, and its Eionet network support European sustainability through policy development, analytical expertise, and data infrastructure. While informing about environmental issues, compliance and enforcement of EU legislation are the responsibility of the European Commission.

An initiative of European Environment Agency (EEA)

Overview of the project

In May 2022, the Directorate-General for Climate Action of the European Commission (DG CLIMA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) initiated the preparation of the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA). The EUCRA assesses current and future climate change impacts and risks relating to the environment, economy and wider society in Europe.
The first EUCRA is a fast-tracked and expert-driven assessment primarily based on a review and synthesis of existing data and knowledge from various sources. The assessment focuses specifically on complex climate risks such as cross-border, cascading and compound risks.


Informing the EU, national and subnational decision makers

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

May/1/2022 - May/1/2024

Quantitative results

An assessment to help decision makers to progress on actions addressing climate risks

About the

European Environment Agency (EEA)

Blaz Kurnik
Head of adaptation

The EEA is an agency of the European Union. Together with our Eionet network, we provide the knowledge and the data needed to achieve sustainability in Europe. The core tasks are defined in the founding EU regulation and include:

  • supporting policy development and key global processes;
  • offering analytical expertise;
  • providing and maintaining an efficient reporting infrastructure for national and international data flows.

In collaboration with the partner network, Eionet, EEA informs decision-makers and the public about the state of Europe’s environment, climate change and wider sustainability issues. Compliance and enforcement of EU legislation are beyond our responsibility and are the sole responsibility of the European Commission.