Gender and Climate Card Game
Project Soar provides an empowerment program with 40 workshops in numerous sites across Morocco, reaching over 240 girls. In addition, it offers an after-school support program, organised at its headquarters in Marrakech,

Overview of the project

To better understand the link between gender and ecosystem: that’s the aim of Planète Genre. From Madagascar to New Orleans, from Senegal to Central Asia, it brings together 7 families facing climate change… and gender inequalities.
The aim of the game is to provoke reactions around different families facing climate change in different parts of the world. It seeks to illustrate the concrete impacts on different life paths, in relation not only to the gender of the people concerned, but also to other criteria, such as ethnic origin, wealth or poverty, migratory status and so on.
Each card represents a characteristic (and therefore necessarily caricatured) character in a given region. Planète genre is inspired by real-life situations, but is not intended to be exhaustive.
The game is accompanied by a booklet detailing singular situations experienced in different contexts, and explaining their interdependencies. It also discusses the extent to which adaptation and mitigation solutions exist and need to be supported. Gender lenses help us to understand not only the differentiated vulnerabilities and barriers to be overcome for women and men, but also the ways in which they can contribute to solutions.
To raise awareness among professionals and the general public of the link between climate change and gender inequality. The concept we want to demonstrate through the game is also that of "differentiated impact": women contribute differently to climate change than men, yet are more strongly impacted.
Ongoing research
2019 - project still in progress
Good results in terms of dissemination and appropriation of the educational content and information/advocacy contained in the game cards.
The game, initially distributed free of charge, was a great success.
More info here:
We are currently in the process of launching a second edition in English.
We’d like to widen its audience by marketing it to a wider public.
Auto financing from co-partners
Project Soar is an NGO founded in Morocco in 2013 and currently active in Morocco, Syria and Uganda.
Project Soar provides an empowerment program with a 40 workshops in numerous sites across Morocco, reaching over 240 girls. In addition, it offers an after-school support program, organised at its headquarters in Marrakech, to build girls’ confidence and self-esteem, stimulate a strong sense of pride and create a positive self-image to increase their chances of success at school. It also actively lobbies governments and donors against underage marriage, menstrual precariousness and its economic/ecological/educational impact.
le Gret
France Volontaires
le Geres
le réseau F3E
Project Soar