MACLAB-PV Project – Improvement of R&D technologies and capacity building in the sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Canary Islands and Senegal
The MACLAB-PV Project for cooperation between the Canary Islands and Senegal aims to promote scientific excellence and the applicability of scientific and technological activity in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, contributing to the sustainable development of both regions.

Overview of the project

The MACLAB-PV project aims to optimize the scientific, technological, demonstrative and innovative infrastructures and capacities existing in the participating regions (Canary Island and Senegal), pursuing excellence in research and innovation in the sector of renewable energies and energy efficiency. This project will foster the creation of a more specialized scientific community that can respond effectively to the real needs of the sector within the cooperation area, improving their international competence and providing a greater implementation of renewable energies.
Within the framework of the project, the R&D&i capabilities of the partners and participating regions are being improved through specific actions that target the promotion and implementation of new lines of research aimed at the specific needs according to each socio economic sector. The implementation of these new R&D&i lines entail the investment of resources in the technological improvement of laboratories and scientific infrastructures dedicated to renewable technologies, as well as the implementation of actions that target the exchange and joint training of research and teaching.
Moreover, the project promotes the creation of new R&D&i field units on RES and RUE, in addition to the design and development of new teaching tools on renewable energies, energy saving and energy efficiency.
Furthermore, the project carries out actions that include technical and scientific advice, awareness raising, capacity building and technological transfer aimed at the research community, universities, public administrations and citizens.
The project aims to optimize R&D infrastructures and capacities in renewable energies and energy efficiency fields.
Ongoing research
01/10/2019 - Project still in progress
- 4 scientific articles published (Open Access)
- 4 R&D Reference Centres involved (ITER, AIET, CERER and AEME)
- 1 RES R&D laboratory optimized with new equipment (ITER – Tenerife)
- 3 new R&D field units’ laboratories on RES and RUE (ITER – Tenerife; AEME and CERER – Senegal)
- 10 ICT teaching tools on RES and RUE designed and used with the educational community
- 1 “Technological modernization and optimization of the didactic use of the MACSEN-PV PV plant – CERER (Senegal)” Project
- 132 capacity building actions for researchers and teachers
- 22 exchange of researchers between R&D centers (EU / Africa)
- 121 technical, scientific, didactic or promotional publications*
- 11 scientific papers to International Congresses (25 documents)
- 165 advisory actions
- 100 awareness raising actions with 119,894 partic
- Encourage scientific excellence and applicability of scientific and technological activity in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, contributing to the sustainable development of the Canary Islands and Senegal
- Promote the replicability of the results on a large scale in Africa
- Improve research activity and scientific and technological infrastructures according to the needs of the sector
- Strengthen research, technical and teaching staff capacities
- Strengthen public authorities capacities and promote the approach of the scientific activity to the citizenship
INTERREG Madeira-Azores-Canarias Territorial Cooperation Programme (MAC) 2014-2020
ITER is a R&D Centre located in Tenerife (Spain) that was founded by the Island´s Government with the aim of supporting sustainable development and innovation. With more than 30 years of experience, ITER stands as an international Centre of reference for research in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Construction, Awareness Raising, Environment and ICT.
ITER has coordinated and participated in more than 230 R&D projects with partners from all over the world. Recently, highlighting the importance of the Canary Islands as a tri-continental platform linking Europe, America and Africa, ITER has lead numerous international projects involving technology transfer and pro-development cooperation, exporting know-how to African countries and cities.
in collaboration