Permaculture as a New Narrative

Élan Sauvage, a permaculture-based ecological research center, offers concrete tools via training, celebrations and a design office. It facilitates the realization of projects by establishing action plans for outdoor spaces, life transitions and personal projects.

An initiative of Elan Sauvage

Overview of the project

In a world that is spinning out of control, permaculture is emerging as a compass that invites us to rethink and co-create tomorrow’s society. More than just a gardening technique – it’s a call to unleash our imaginations and weave new narratives for the future.
Permaculture is not just a method, it’s an optimistic perspective. It stands up to adversity using its own design tools. It offers a vision where ethics and resilience guide our actions, a powerful antidote to uncertainty.
Permaculture offers us the opportunity to move from spectator to actor in the story of our planet. Imagine a new script where each of us can play a positive role. So, are you ready to be the heroes of this new ecological adventure? Together, let’s write a greener, happier future!


An immersive journey to the heart of permaculture, to think about tomorrow's world.

Level of progress

Ongoing research

Project timeline

June 2022 - project still in progress

Quantitative results

This conference has been scheduled 3 times since its launch and is still scheduled for 2024.

Qualitative results

This conference gave visibility to the project, which thanks to this:
– formed partnerships with various organizations (Réseau Transition ASBL, De Bouche à Oreille ASBL, Mue, Ecocentre Oasis)
– was published in Point Culture’s latest publication “Habiter et raconter en solastalgie” (1 chapter is devoted to the conference “La permaculture comme nouveau récit”). Publication coupled with a program of activities based on the conference.
– will be the focus of several podcasts in 2024
This conference is part of Élan Sauvage’s general program and therefore has a more global impact (more subscribers on social networks and newsletter, etc.), visibility on other Élan Sauvage program activities.


The initial project was financed through sponsorship.

About the

Elan Sauvage

Noémie Toth

Élan Sauvage is an experimental ecological research center that uses permaculture as its guide. A place of emergence that questions, tests and reflects on different narratives, proposing new possibilities and new ways of looking at things.
Élan Sauvage offers concrete tools to stimulate action:
– Through training courses, celebrations combining culture & creativity, and events to (re)connect with ourselves and Nature.
– Through a design office for individual inner transition guidance and space consultancy (garden & home).
This method enables everyone to bring their project to fruition by drawing up an action plan, whether for setting up an outdoor space, a life transition or a project.

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Other partners / supporters

The initial project was supported by:
Nourrir Autrement
Réseau Transition ASBL
Ville de Verviers
Crazy Edgar