Premium Hortus
The main objective of this successful project is to develop an online platform for scaling up Agro-ecology for the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

Overview of the project

Premium Hortus’s main mission is to use information and communication technologies for the good of Agroecology in order to contribute to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the UN (notably SDG 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15).
PREMIUM HORTUS is an original innovation formally registered by the African Organisation for intellectual proprety (OAPI) and precisely by the Beninois Board of copyright and “Droits Voisins” (BUBEDRA) number 477/18.
To develop an online platform for scaling up Agro-ecology for the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.
Networking, internationalisation
Since 2017
Over one hundred subscribers and around 500 producers supporting Agro-ecology, biotechnology and green management of businesses. PREMIUM HORTUS has, according to the “Bilan Carbone” decreased 46.6% greenhouse gas emissions totaling to 1681 Kg / ha / year emitted by traditional agriculture.
It saves 32.12% direct energy of a total of 3088 Kwh/ha/year used for transport, tractors, irrigation all used for traditional farming, totally to 6727 KWh/year.
All the social, economic and ecological sustainability impacts the organisation has had has made the organisation a reference in term of agroecology and has been recognized by multiple international organisations:
- Best World “Innovations for Agroecology” by the FAO and awarded Second place at Symposium International on agro-ecology (ROME, april 2018),
- Winners of GREENPRENEURS 2018 Global Award organised by World Institute for Green Growth (GGGI)
- Winners of prizes and trophies from ICAF 2017 at the COP23 (Bonn, nov. 2017)
- Winnesr of BEST BLUE INNOVATION with a ” BLUE PASSPORT ” awarded to the CEO by the International Secretariat for Water during the 8th World Forum on Water (Brasilia, 2018)
- Member of the WOLD ALLIANCE FOR EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS décernée par SOLAR IMPULSE Foundation. PREMIUM HORTUS travaille aussi activement avec des partenaires, les plus crédibles, comme La Francophonie, IFDD, Confédérations Suisse, Initiatives Climat, YOUTH CLIMATE LAB…
Personal funds, subsidies and Love Money. We hope to establish strong technical or financial partners in order to internationalise the company in Africa and the rest of the world.
PREMIUM HORTUS is specialised in selling organic produce online and supporting producers.
In the form of an App, Bigdata and cryptocurrency, you can follow Premium Hortus, fill your basket, plan, order and deliver your fruit, vegetable and organic products to your home.
You are in charge of your own consumption and can pay with 100% security via a QR Code of our “’HORTUS KIETUD’’ bitcoin while benefiting from our insurance credit ” CALIM+”.
in collaboration